Page 10 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine Classic 2023
P. 10

Six Baits to Consider for Fall Fishing

     As with most things in fishing, the answers to your ques-  The next bait consideration is a jerk bait in shad pattern.
     tions depend on who you ask. Deciding on which baits to   That’s right! It is not just a early spring or cold water pre-
     tie on for the fall bite also depend on who you ask. For this  sentation. This presentation mimics an injured bait fish
     article, we are going to look at six moving baits an angler   from the bass slashing through the balls of bait fish. Once
     should consider.                                          again, match the hatch with the bait worked constantly
                                                               and erratically in a smaller profile.  This is a reaction bite!
     Two important things to consider in the fall are why the
     bass are moving shallow and how to target them. One
     word to a degree answers both considerations. BAITFISH!
     Bass are moving shallow because the bait is moving shal-
     low. The more closely an angler can mimic the bait the
     better the chances of having a successful outing.

     Let’s start with the surface of the water. The types of baits
     an angler selects her depends on skill and comfort level.   As we move away from the surface of the water the options
     While we said six baits in the title, we are going to fudge   of presentations an angler has can be expanded while still
     on that a little in this section.  What is consistent is that   using the match the hatch mentality. For this, a lip-less
     all of the top water baits is that all are moving baits. Buzz-  crank-bait in 1/4 to 1/2 ounce sizes are optimum.  This is
     baits, ploppers, popping baits, buzzbaits, frogs, and prop   one of the best imaginable baits for fall bass fishing.  This
     baits are all applicable here.  Also consider downsizing to   bait can be used to cover a lot of water, and is one of the
     get more bites.                                           most versatile baits and easy to fish at different depths. An
                                                               angler can be fished as a chunk and wind, using a yo-yo
     All of these top water options can be productive, but a   retrieve, and or letting it flutter down toward the bottom
     downsized buzzbait that has a quiet crisp purr can be     before ripping it up to trigger a reaction strike.
     enough to get the attention of the bass without being
     overly aggressive.  This is also a characteristic of a prop
     bait, but it allows an angler to use intermittent pauses to
     lure bass into biting. Remember or consider that fishing in
     the fall can be tough because you are competing with the
                                       millions of bait fish
                                       that are flooding the
                                       shallow pockets and
                                       flats. Your presentation
                                       has to blend in and yet
                                       be different enough to   Another versatile option that is synonymous with fall
                                       get bass to bite.       fishing is a spinner bait. Sizes can be as small as 1/4 ounce,
                                                               a 3/8 ounce or even a 1/2 ounce. In any of these sizes
     Another consideration is a walking style bait that you can   the blade combinations can be double willow, willow/
     cast down the middle of the gut of the pocket. A lot of   Colorado or in some cases maybe even multiple smaller
     times the bait concentrates itself in the deeper sections   willow leaf blades. Consider the smaller sizes if the shad
     during the cooler nights and then transitioning up to the   are smaller.  A spinner bait
     shallows and                                              can be a simple chunk and
     flats throughout                                          wind, but by adding an
     the day. Bone                                             erratic pumping action, or
     or white is an                                            pausing and letting it flutter
     optimum color                                             down through the bait-balls
     in the fall.                                              can make it stand out while
                                                               blending in at the same

    10  Lady Bass Anglers Association
                                              Six Baits to Consider for Fall Fishing
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