Page 28 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine Classic 2022
P. 28
Go Against the Flow and Fish Deep In the Fall
It is true that a large percentage of bass follow baitfish as Other structures to look for include humps, roadbeds, and
they migrate toward the shallows. Along with the large points.
percentage of baitfish and bass, you will have plenty of
anglers who head up shallow. It is important to remem- As you are searching offshore, it is important to remem-
ber or understand that not all baitfish move all the way to ber that you are not looking for the masses of fish on your
the backs of creeks. As such there will be bass who stay in electronics. When you do find fish at a given depth, say 12-
deeper water targeting the bait that are in that area. For the 15’, you are likely to find fish at that same depth at various
offshore angler, this means the fish you target will be less locations around the lake. There are times you will scan a
pressured. piece of structure and not see bass, but you will see a lot of
baitfish. Fall, like other times of the year can have feeding
Think for a moment. We know that there are some bass windows. So, if you find a piece of offshore structure with
that live offshore during the summer and the winter. As a lot of baitfish, mark it so you can check it later in the day.
such, there are some who remain offshore during the fall if Just as in the shallows, bass will give themselves away with
they have a food supply. schooling activity! Always have your topwater bait or fa-
vorite schooling bait handy so that you can take advantage
It is important to remember that deep is a relative thing. when the opportunity arises.
What is deep on one body of water may not be deep for a
different body of water. As such looking for these offshore
fall bass is relative. Hunting for offshore bass is made much
easier when an angler can utilize their electronics to find
Some baits of choice when targeting offshore bass include
a mid-depth crankbait. Some prefer a shad pattern and
Depth being relative also means that these offshore bass others prefer those with a bit more color as they stand out
will still move up shallower but will not necessarily be on from the baitfish. The second choice is a good topwater
the main river ledges. bait of choice, but one you can cast a long distance when
they come up schooling. Additionally, jerkbaits, both hard
Instead, focus your attention and searches near the mouth and soft versions, should not be overlooked when tar-
of or just inside major creeks. geting schoolers! There are a few
Remember, even though these additional choices. If the fish are
bass are following bait, they wanting a more finesse option, I will
still travel the same underwater use a dropshot or shaky head. You
highways of their habitat. In might even prefer a ned rig. For a
addition to the more obvious more power fishing approach, a jig
main lake points, use your or Carolina rig are viable choices for
mapping to find the creeks and me. Regardless of the suggestions
bends from the depths toward provided, these are just my thoughts.
the shallows. Offshore fish will Consider these and then use the
position themselves in ambush baits you have confidence in and let
points along outside of creek the fish tell you what and how they
bends at shallower depths. want the baits presented.
26 Lady Bass Anglers Association
Go Against the Flow and Fish Deep In the Fall