Page 14 - Lady Bass Anglers Digital Magazine July 2023
P. 14

Summer Bass Fishing

                                                               Before we get into some fishing options, let’s look at
     Fishing in the summer months has it’s own unique
     challenges. Anglers are facing more boat and              ways an angler can take care of their fish they catch
     watercraft activity on the water as well as increasing    during those hot summer months and offer up some
     temperatures. While these are not necessarily bad         tips. First, all live wells have overflow tubes. Take a
     things, they are things to contend with.  Tournament      pool noodle and cut it so that you can plug those
     anglers now have to really pay close attention to fish    overflows. Next first thing in the morning, drop
     care, staying hydrated, staying cool and protecting
     their skin from the harsh rays of the sun. One
     question I am asked frequently relates to where bass
     move to during the summer months. It is a great
     question but not one that has a straightforward
     absolute answer. So, I equate bass to people. Some
     people live in the city, some in the suburbs and some
     in rural areas. More people are active outside during
     the cooler times of the day and when the sun is not so    a bag of ice the live-well and then fill it. You don’t
     bright and burning down on you. Fish are much like        want to freeze the fish, but you do want them to
     this. You will find some fish in shallow waters, some in   be comfortable. Remember, the water temps in the
     deep water in  pockets and creeks while, some move        morning are a cool as they will be all day. Another
     out to the main lake. Regardless, they need oxygen                            thing is to freeze some bottles of
     and a food supply. Deep is a relative term. Once the                          water and place them in a cooler.
     thermocline sets up on impoundments, fish will not                            Remember to remove the labels.
     go below the thermocline. Thermoclines typically                              Later in the day, you can drop
     do not exist on river systems because of the regular                          one or two of these in th e live-
     movement of water through the system. All that                                well to help with keeping the
     being said, you can find fish as pretty much any depth                        water cooler throughout the day.
                                                                                   As you catch and put fish in the
                                                                                   live-well, remember to put your
                                                                                   preferred fish care additive in the
                                                                                   water. These additives help calm
                                                               the fish and keep the natural body slip in place. It is
                                                               medicated! Next, run the aerator on manual vs timed.
                                                               This means it will be pumping air into the system
                                                               constantly throughout the day.
                                                               It can be very taxing on your
                                                               battery so make sure you are
                                                               fully charged. Also consider
     during the summer. Yes, they do tend to be deeper as
     that water tends to be cooler and hold more oxygen.       NOT placing culling clips on
     If your lake has grasses such as hydrilla and milfoil     your fish, except for maybe
     or other vegetation such as Lilly pads, you will tend     your smallest fish. I know this
     to find fish around those shallower pieces of cover.      may be controversial, but it
     Remember, if the lake is clear, grasses such as hydrilla   may help reduce the stress
     and milfoil can grow in deeper water.  In any case,       on the fish. Check your fish
     there has to be a consistent food supply to hold fish.    frequently so that if you have a
     Find the food, and find the fish They will either be      fish that is struggling you can
     there or very near by.                                    deal with it. Now, that may
    14  Lady Bass Anglers Association                  Summer Bass Fishing
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