Page 18 - Complete Advanced SB-
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Vocabulary Reading and Use of English | 1BSU
Exam information
1 Look at this sentence from Reading and Use of In Reading and Use of English Part 4 you
English Part 8. Write the correct verb (A–D) in
the gap. t complete six sentences with between three and six
words so that they mean the same as the sentences
Although the advice they was well printed before them
intentioned, my parents never dreamed that it might t use a word given in CAPITALS without changing it in
come back to haunt them. any way.
" made B gave $ said % expressed
This part tests your ability to manage grammar,
2 Exam candidates often use the wrong verb vocabulary and collocations.
when they should use give or make. In most of the
sentences below, the underlined verb is wrong. 1 Work in pairs. Study the exam instruction below.
Replace the underlined verb with give or make, or Then, for questions 1–4, read some answers that
write correct if you think there is no mistake. different students gave for each question. Decide
which answer (A–C) is correct and say why the other
When you print the article, we also expect you to give answers are wrong.
an apology.
Her report on the trip did not show accurate
For questions 1–4, complete the second sentence
information so we were quite confused.
so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
I have some suggestions to give before the
using the word given. Do not change the word given.
forthcoming trip.
You must use between three and six words, including
I hope your company will give me at least a partial
the word given.
I’m so grateful that you have made me the chance to
His actions were based on what his uncle advised him
attend the course.
In my boss’s absence, I give telephone calls to to do.
customers, clean desks, and write emails. "%7*$&
Installing modern technology will give a good The basis for his actions him.
impression of the college. " was some advice that his uncle gave
Our evening lectures were made by ‘experts’ who knew B was the advice his uncle gave
nothing about the subject. $ was what his uncle advised
There is another recommendation I would like to give Alba made every effort to arrive at the meeting on
concerning the club. time.
3 Words which are often used together (e.g. make an #&45
apology) are called collocations. Which verb often Alba to the meeting on
forms a collocation with these nouns? Write give or time.
make in each gap. " did her best to get
B made the best to arrive
a speech, lecture, talk, performance
$ tried very hard to make it
(someone) information, details, advice,
instructions Unless the product is in perfect condition, we cannot
a(n) recommendation, comment, apology, return your money.
suggestion 3&'6/%
someone a(n) chance, opportunity We will be unable the
someone a refund, their money back product is not in perfect condition.
a phone call " to pay you a refund unless
an impression on someone B to refund the money you paid if
someone an impression $ to give you a refund if