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of self improvement and personal                        and without even knowing how close you

               development is to eliminate the suffering               were, you quit? You may be someone who
               we feel in our lives and make to create a life          has drive at the start of a venture but find
               we want to live. However,  challenges and               your enthusiasm waning as you progress,
               failures have a tendency of bringing out the            lacking the motivation that is needed to
               best in us as we rise to the challenge and              ?keep you keeping on? during times of
               learn from our mistakes. You can?t truly                hardship. Those who persist, especially in
               know success unless you have failed! Learn              times like these, are those who ALWAYS
               from the failure and move on.                           win!
            4. Don?t  focus on t he mist akes. Simply               7. Never, ever, ever give-up! The only true
               analyze them and learn the lesson they are              failure occurs when you quit. If you keep
               trying to teach you. By staying focused on              trying then obviously you haven?t failed
               your failures, problems or toils you are                because the final verdict isn?t in yet. But by
               actually creating more of them or at least              quitting there is no more chance of success
               keeping them in your experience. Focus on               and you have failed!
               the solutions or at least focus on the fact          8. Recreat ion is a must ! You should aim to
               ?your still in the game?. Consider any                  spend time with family and friends as this
               mistakes you?ve made as life lessons. Apply             will offset any stress you are feeling and
               what you have learned from them and use                 give you a balanced outlook. Human
               them as references (of what not to do) in               interaction is natural, healthy and
               the future.                                             enjoyable. Most goals will come to you
            5. Always set  goals for yourself t hat  are               through other people. This is a simple fact!
               realist ic yet  will st ret ch you beyond your          No-one achieves anything worthwhile and
               current  ?comfort  zone?. Each goal should              worthy without some type of help or
               be an aid to progressing to your next.                  interaction from and with others. By
            6. Make sure you follow t hrough on your                   keeping your social network open, alive and
               plans. Persistence can accomplish things                healthy you will open up avenues that you
               that nothing else can. How many times                   never knew existed.
               were you close to the end of the rainbow,

            Congratulations to October Sweepstakes Winner:

                  Mabel Silfa, Dest inat ion Universal
              Mabel won $1,000 in Gift Certificates ($200 from each sponsor)
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