Page 24 - Direct To ConsumerFINAL3.25
P. 24
Heavy Metals Hair Test
Things Tested For
The Metals Hair Test is a
valuable diagnostic tool for
assessing exposure to toxic
metals and identifying
mineral deficiencies in the
body. By analyzing hair
samples, this test offers
essential information that
can help practitioners
diagnose physiological disorders associated with imbalances in essential and toxic element metabolism.
A 24-metal heavy metals test typically checks for a broad range of metals, many of which are potentially toxic to humans.
The exact list of metals tested may vary depending on the laboratory or testing kit used, but a common 24-metal heavy metals test often includes the following metals:
It's important to note that some of these metals, like calcium, magnesium, and zinc, are essential to human health in trace amounts. Heavy metals tests are typically used to detect and monitor excessive levels of these