P. 11

[DOCUMENT TITLE]                                                      TOEFL PREPARATION

               15. (A)   He  couldn't  finish  closing  the  library   21. (A)  He reported that the time for the budget
                   book.                                             meeting had been set.
                   (B)   He  hadn't  finished  the  library          (B)   He  is  always  late  in  submitting  his
                   assignment, but he was close.                     accounting figure
                   (C)  He was working on the assignment when        (C)   He  never  manages  to  budget  his  time
                   the library closed.                               well.
                   (D)  His homework was incomplete because          (D)   He  is  never  too  late  in  turning  in  his
                   the library wasn't open.                          reports.

               16. (A)  All the lawyer's preparation did no good.   22. (A)   The  repairs  that  the  mechanic  had
                   (B)   The  lawyer  prepared  nothing  for  the    indicated were already made.
                   case.                                             (B)  The car is going to need a lot of repairs.
                   (C)  It wasn't work for the lawyer to prepare     (C)   Buying  a  new  car  would  be  quite
                   for the case.                                     expensive.
                   (D)  The lawyer didn't work to prepare for the    (D)   The  mechanic  extended  the  repair
                   case.                                             warranty.

               17. (A)  The history class begins next week.       23. (A)  Betty wrote the letter as directed.
                   (B)  He thinks the papers should be turned in     (B)  The directions were given to Betty in a
                   next week.                                        letter.
                   (C)  He has already done the paper for next       (C)  Betty will follow the instructions later.
                   week.                                             (D)  Betty worked exactly as instructed.
                   (D)  The papers are not due next week.

               18. (A)  He's not really happy.                    24. (A)   Walter  had  a  lack  of  success  with  his
                   (B)  The contractor's work was satisfactory.      business.
                   (C)  He would rather work with the contractor     (B)  Walter failed in business.
                   himself.                                          (C)   Walter's  new  company  is  doing  rather
                   (D)   He  was  already  contacted  about  the     well.
                   work.                                             (D)  Walter hoped to succeed in business.

               19. (A)   The  man  should  try  another  type  of   25. (A)  He should put the organ in the closet.
                   paper.                                            (B)  The closet has already been organized.
                   (B)  The man should locate a typist tomorrow      (C)  He needs to rearrange the closet.
                   morning.                                          (D)  He wishes the closet were closer.
                   (C)   The  man  should  make  a  tape  in  the
                   morning.                                       26. (A)  She didn't do the work.
                   (D)   The  man  should  complete  the  paper      (B)  She gave the assignment her best effort.
                   without help.                                     (C)  She finished the assignment even though
                                                                     it was difficult.
               20. (A)  She'd like some pie.                         (D)  She gave the man a signal.
                   (B)  It's easy to buy it.
                   (C)   The  task  the  man's  working  on  isn't   27. (A)  She said some terrible things.
                   difficult.                                        (B)  She didn't say anything nice.
                   (D)  It's easier to prepare pie than do what the   (C)  She didn't have any nice things.
                   man is doing.                                     (D)  She said really wonderful things

                                                                  28. (A)  New employees are rarely initiated into
                                                                     the company.

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