Page 3 - Class Catalog 2017
P. 3

2018 School Year
        Information Regarding the Quest 2017 –

       1)  We are not an exclusive   home school group or a teaching co-op. Our students come from all educational
           environments, although most are home schooled. We are unapologetically   Christian and stand on a plain

           reading of the   word of God. Our teachers all have a love of teaching and are expert teachers, many of them
           holding advanced degrees in their fields. Our teachers ARE paid. We are dependent on your generous
           donations in order to make payroll and to buy supplies, fund the website, maintain the storage   of supplies,
           and run the many programs Quest has to offer. Please pray over what you can do for Quest. We only   want
           donations that the Holy Spirit leads you to   give.

       2)  In the 2017-2018   school year there are 29 weeks; 13 in the fall and 16 in the spring. The suggested

           donations listed with each class description are per week, not per semester. Classes begin the   week of
           Sept 12.

       3)  Prerequisites: if you took a   prerequisite for a class in a place other than Quest, please provide proof that
           you passed the class with at least a ‘B’ with either a transcript or letter from the   teacher.
       4)  Class Information: In blue, at the end of the class description is the   teacher’s name. In red are the items,
           including text books, that students will need for the class. Many of the classes do not   yet have the needed

           text books listed. That information will be made available in the next couple of weeks. In purple, are the
           recommended donations for each   class.

       5)  Costume   Fee: There will be a costume fee for many of the dance classes. Details will be given to

           parents by the teachers when needed. Our teachers do the very best they   can to find inexpensive costumes.
           Please keep in mind, if you sign up for more than one dance class, there will be different costumes/expenses
           for each.

       6)  Performance   Fee: There will also be a small performance fee of $5 per student for all fine arts students to


           help cover costs of building rental for the   Fine Arts Festival. This fee is due by Mar 31 , 2016.  If you sign

           up for a fine   arts class, you are expected to participate in the Fine Arts Festival.  No exceptions will be
           granted for any reason other than severe illness. There are no tickets sold. All attendance   is free and

           donations are accepted for those led to do   so.
       7)  This catalog will undergo updates throughout the   summer of 2017. Please check back often for any new

           information on your classes.

       8)  Quest Drop/Add Policy: The first two weeks of classes, starting in September each year, are open for
           students to drop or add them. It is meant to be a trial period for students and families to see if a   class is the
           right fit.
                  Add: Some classes will remain open for students all year. If you decide later on to add a   class, or know
           someone that would like to add, please contact us.
                  Drop: After the two week deadline is up, anyone deciding to drop a class will be required to pay a $100 fee
           per student per   class. If you fail to pay the fee, you will not be able to register for any future classes until the account

           is brought current. We do this because after   two weeks, the teachers contracts are solidified and we are locked into
           paying them. We have also purchased supplies   for your student for the year and solidified the contract with the church

           detailing how much we will pay. We are also striving for excellence, so we need you to be committed and to be
           serious about attendance and perseverance.     
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