Page 19 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 19

•  All reasonable options were considered
                              i.  Closing the organization,
                              ii.  Becoming a private Christian school,
                             iii.  Initiating a fundraising program to help make up the difference and remain
                                 the same organization we had always been.
                       •  Actions
                              i.   With much prayer and after careful deliberation with other Christian
                                 mentors, the fundraising route was initiated.   Deep consideration was given
                                 to the will of God in this decision.
                              ii.  It was through prayer and taking in the whole counsel of God that we decided
                                 to develop the building security fund where we would ask each family to
                                 consider a $29 donation per month to support the rent.
                             iii.  Fundraising  help provide Quest  classes to  families with limited financial

               4)  Need for staffing increases. Rapid growth also led to lack of sufficient support staff.
                       •  In September of 2016, two additional positions were made available for front desk
                          help and outreach.
                       •  Additional fundraising and  bookkeeping services
                       •  Secretarial services were established.
                       •  Fall of 2017 led to  major revision of the organizational structure.

               5)  Student safety was a priority.
                       •  Boundaries or outdoor activities were provided.
                       •  A multipurpose room was opened with games and group study
                       •  A quiet study hall was opened.
                       •  Staff background checks and compliance policy was adopted.
                       •  Beginning stages of implementing student ID cards which will provide security
                       •  Visitors use visitor ID badges and must log in at the office.
                       •  Safety committee organization was initiated.

               6)  Statement of faith revisions needed
                       •  Updates better reflect what we do.
                       •  Working with 4Tucson  and with  pastoral and legal advice,  a new  statement of
                          values was adopted.
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