Page 4 - 2018-2019 Participant Navigator's Guide
P. 4

Students and Families,

             We are very excited to welcome you to the 2018-2019 academic year. Our
             goal  is  to  give  you  high  quality  learning  experiences  with  Christ-  centered
             teaching. In this guide you will find the information you need to help the year
             run smoothly. Both new and returning students need to review this information.

             This year your Quest Leadership Staff is committing to you the implementation

             of a Culture of Honor.  Honor and respect are tied to the idea that each person
             is uniquely created by God and therefore has inherit value and worth.  We seek
             to honor God and others by modeling and expecting our students and families
             to model honor and respect toward one another.  When conflict arises, it is a
             test of the commitment we have with each other in Christian fellowship. We are

             determined  to  be  found  faithful  in  helping  our  Quest  community  reflect  the
             goodness and generosity of honor.  Commitment and dedication is requested
             from our students and their parents.  We invite you to adopt this culture for
             yourself.  We are happy to explore honor culture with you before, during, and
             after a conflict.  We implore you to invest your time and goodwill in your classes
             by respecting your teachers, administrators, and fellow students and we are
             confident your rewards will be great.  We want Quest to be a light for all of

             Tucson to see the Glory of God.  And for God to be able to commend us for
             our faith in Him.

             Please read this guide carefully and refer to it throughout the year if needed.
             If you have any further questions that are not addressed in this handbook,

             please contact any of your teachers, or send an email to

                                                      The Quest Leadership Team

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