Page 14 - Harry Moon Leader Demo
P. 14
LESSON #1 - Setting the Scene
or ask a student to read pages: 7 beginning with paragrah 3 to the end of paragraph 2 on page 9
What was your rst Sleepy Hollow impressions?
• You can ask kids to describe the town
• Ask what it might be like to walk down the streets
• It’s okay if they add stu to the town that might not be in the story
• Would you get your picture taken with the Headless Horseman statue?
Would you like to live there?
At rst it might seem fun to live in a town where every day is Halloween But what does it really mean? What are the spiritual implications? Would it be di cult to have so many visual reminders of evil?
Bible Bu
The bible teaches that believers are IN the world but not OF the world
John 15:9
If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
Sleepy Hollow might be a scary place at times just like our world but take heart, you are not alone
Harry has Rabbit Who do we have?