Page 3 - Harry Moon Leader Demo
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What’s so amazing about Harry Moon? A lot! Where else will you  nd a kid role model who will teach your kid(s) to love God, love life, respect nature, help their fellow schoolmates, befriend their enemies, honor their body, not label people too quickly, seek wisdom from their elders, guide younger kids, control their passions, remain curious, accept that life will have trouble and of course to always love their moms 
Harry Moon does all of this while  ghting the evil that has taken over his town!
We’re not saying Harry is perfect super hero—far from it  He gets into his fair share of trouble stemming from his own desires as well as the usual places— school, home, the town  His response to that trouble is what makes Harry Moon the perfect role model for your kids 
Yep, it’s all in the Harry Moon books  But sometimes it takes a little digging to  nd the messages and meanings in stories  That’s why Rabbit Resources has created this  ve-day, literary-based curriculum  Kids will not only learn how to read and interpret Harry Moon using a shared questions method of discussion but will most de nitely bring those skills back to the classroom  Developing their critical reading skills are an important part of every student’s educational career 
Most importantly, the Rabbit Room Book Club is a sandbox—the objective is the same—to discover the deeper meanings and themes inside The Amazing Adventures of Harry Moon—but getting there might be di erent for each group and each kid 
What is a Book Club? And Why do Kids Need Them?
Abook or scholar’s club is a group of folks who gather to discuss books including the plot, characters, themes etc  A book club can be large or small, tightly organized or kept loosey goosey—it all depends on the group 

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