Page 4 - Harry Moon Leader Demo
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         Members come together to share opinions and raise questions and often talk quite personally about how the book related to his or her life  Usually one member serves as a Teacher or Facilitator although this role can be passed around  Generally speaking the Teacher initiates the discussions, keep members on track as it is easy to get o  topic  The Teacher also tends the club calendar, sends out meeting reminders and snack responsibilities  What’s a book club without food? And some book clubs provide snacks based on the books plot or theme  Book clubs expand a reader’s experience of the book as he or she listens to other interpretations and perspectives 
For kids and teens a book club experience is invaluable  Unlike the pressure of a classroom, a casual book club is often the place where some kids and teens  nd their voice as they learn to express opinions and ideas in a less stringent setting  Often introverted or shy kids are willing to speak up for the  rst time in a group setting as they become more and more comfortable with his or her peers 
Book clubs have life-long e ects as statistics show that children involved in a book discussion group develop a love for books and literature, words and ideas and will continue to read well into adulthood 
A RABBIT ROOM Book Club is a place for kids to read, discuss and imagine about some of life’s most challenging questions in a safe environment  It is a place where every kid can dwell in possibility 
Tell Me a Story
“All the elements of the fairy tale are waiting within us: the quest; the younger son; the true princess; the benevolent brothers (or sisters); the witch or wizard; the wise old woman; beasts and monsters; the happy ending.”
—Madeline L’Engle, The Rock That is Higher
Tell me a story  These words are a great invitation  An invitation to visit a world beyond our own, to follow a character down a path so treacherous, failure is all but assured  A story is an invitation to participate in triumph and love, and an invitation to see ourselves re ected in another’s eyes and voice  That is the call of the story—to know we are not alone and that there is help 

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