Page 8 - ilovepdf_merged (20) edition 66
P. 8

Page 8                                                                            Jan-Feb, 2021


         of companies and trustees           paid by an employer on behalf  year. Companies pay tax on
         and beneficiaries of a trust        of the employee. The tax is  business  and  investment
         are all charged tax on              charged on all income of an  income  known  as  gains  and
         income earned.                      individual  in  employment,  profit. This income does not
                                             whether  it  is  received  in  include  expenses  made

         Do  I  need  to  pay  Income        benefit or in kind. A monthly  while obtaining the income.
         Tax?                                PAYE return must be filed by
         You must pay Income Tax if          the  employer  on  behalf  of  Withholding Tax (WHT)

         you  are  an  employee,  sole       employees on or before the  It is a tax which is deducted
         proprietor  or  a  person  in  a    fifteenth day of the month  at  source  by  a  withholding
         partnership  and  you  earn         following the month in which  agent (a person required to
         income  above  Gh¢  261  per        the deduction was made.              deduct  tax)  when  making

         month.                                                                   payment to another person
                                             Personal Income Tax (PIT)            and accounted for later to
         How do I pay my taxes if I          It  is  a  tax  charged  on  an  the GRA.

         do not live in Ghana?               individual's  total  income
                                             (income  from  employment,  A  registered  partnership,

                                             business  and  investment).  company  and  trust  and
                                             You must pay Income Tax if  other businesses that make
                                             you are a sole proprietor or a  payment to another person
                                             person in partnership and you  for  goods  or  services
                                             earn  income  above  Gh¢  261  bought  qualify  to  withhold

                                             per month.                           the tax unless the person is
         If  you  do  not  live  in  Ghana                                        exempted  from  paying  the
         but earn an income in Ghana,                                             t a x .     Y o u   m u s t   b e

         you will have to pay the taxes                                           registered to be allowed to
         in  Ghana.  You  will  have  to                                          withhold tax from business
         register  with  the  Ghana                                               transactions.
         Revenue  Authority.  If  you
         live  outside  Ghana  and  you                                           Rent Income Tax

         earn  an  income  from  a                                                It is the tax on income that
         business  transaction,                                                   accrues  to  someone  as  a
         Income  Tax  will  be  paid  by                                          result of rental or leasing a

         the business.                                                            property  (residential  and
                                                                                  commercial)  to  another
         Types of Income Tax                                                      person.
         The  main  types  of  Income

         Tax are:                            Corporate Income Tax (CIT)           Income Tax Stamp
                                             It  is  a  tax  charged  on  a
                                                                                  It  is  a  tax  designed  for
         Pay As You Earn (PAYE)              company's  total  income             individuals operating in the

         It  is  a  tax  deducted  from      sources  at  the  end  of  the       informal  sector,  for
         employees'  income  and  is         company's accounting income          example, small-scale self-
                                                                                                        Continue on pg 9
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