Page 14 - Lynn Daniel and Roy Boy 9-26-2019_Neat
P. 14

LIE DOWN… one of the most important

               commands you have.  If things get out of

               control use this command and go to your

               dog and start from where he stopped.

               Remember go to your dog, don’t have your

               dog come to you.

               And to make it more confusing -  Lie Down

               can mean stop, or sometimes just slow


               But you have the commands of “Walk up”

               and “Easy…………walk up” to slow the dog


               With time and experience, the dog will learn

               that a sharp command means you want him

               it to stop immediately, but when the

               command is soft it signals the dog to check

               his speed to allow the sheep or cattle to go

               slowly and further ahead.
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