Page 12 - 2018 Kingdom Missions Booklet
P. 12

Bill and Ginny Hanson reach the unreached people of the world through their leadership in managing building projects globally. At present, they are involved in the building of churches, schools, hospitals, seminaries, mission camps, etc. for the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). ABWE is a church planting mission’s agency, and the corresponding emphasis of all building projects is to advance the gospel through the facilities being built. Presently around 35 building projects are underway in 22 countries. The Hanson’s manage a number of people to enable these projects: 20 project management missionaries and generally around 100-200 volunteers per year. An exciting year is expected ahead. The Memorial Christian Hospital (MCH) in Bangladesh is planned to be completed mid 2018 and we will be kicking off a new project in South Africa to reach the Zulu people. The Hanson’s prayer requests include the following: for people to be saved through our project’s, for safety on the projects, for the health of their family, for funds to facilitate the ministry, and for wisdom in leading the project of ce team.

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