Page 2 - 2018 Kingdom Missions Booklet
P. 2

God’s Word through Isaiah not only offered hope for Israel but promised that He would “set His justice for a light to the peoples” (Isaiah 51:4). Christians not only receive Jesus as “the Light of the world” (John 1:4, 5, 9), but as servants of the Suffering Servant re ect His “light to the Gentiles” and His “salvation to all generations” (Isaiah 51:8). What a privilege!
Since someone shone spiritual light into your darkness, is there any credible reason why you should not introduce someone else to His grace, or are you to be the last one on earth who believes? We have a choice of whether we will listen to the Lord and “put on His strength” to accomplish this task (Isaiah 51:7, 9). The Lord is willing to save the lost, but we do our part so that they “believe what they have heard from us” (Isaiah 53:1). I am grateful that God provides the resources to speak, pray, go and give.
In our church we not only go on mission trips but give generously and sacri cially through our General Operating Budget for the cause of worldwide missions. Budget giving helps support the Cooperative Program of Southern Baptist missions through the largest international and national mission force in history. Our “offerings” above the tithe are pledged in faith and given regularly to support our close connection with speci c mission partners through the Kingdom Missions Offering. Both ventures are possible through committed and obedient people who seek to bring good news of happiness, peace and salvation” to the world (Isaiah 52:7).
Please pray about what the Lord would have you to do that can make a difference. He is worthy of our worship, and the lost are worth our sacri ce.
Pastor Hayes Wicker

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