Page 15 - Danh Muc San Pham Makihome
P. 15

Danh mục sản phẩm

 The Pro Series is made up of products that   Specifically designed for small-to-mid-size
 have greater mainstream appeal while still   applications, the Lite Series offers just the
 being economically priced. The main differ-  right amount of features while keeping cost
 entiation for most Pro Series IP fixed and   to a minimum. These products are ideal for
 PTZ cameras is the built-in IVS analytics   users with basic surveillance needs and
 feature. IVS provides the ability to detect   uncomplicated scenes. The primary differ-
 and analyze moving objects. Vari-focal IP   entiation for most Lite Series IP and HDCVI
 and HDCVI camera offerings include a   cameras is the Digital Wide Dynamic Range
 motorized lens option for ease of installa-  (DWDR) feature. IP and HDCVI PTZ camera
 tion. Thanks to True Wide Dynamic Range   options offer a short- or mid-range optical
 (up to 120dB), most IP or HDCVI cameras   zoom. Storage devices typically feature 4-,
 are great for applications that suffer from   8-, or 16-channel options.
 direct sunlight or glare. Most IP and HDCVI
 PTZ cameras feature a short-long range
 optical zoom. NVRs and DVRs typically
 feature 8-, 16-, or 32-channel options with
 4K recording

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