Page 15 - Hexion Sustainability Report 2022
P. 15

Product Stewardship

                                        Product stewardship is a cornerstone of Hexion’s                               •  Actively engaging with internal and external                               Hexion’s Product Stewardship team is a resource                                Hexion’s formaldehyde and derivative resins and

                                        sustainability eff ort by stimulating innovation                                   organizations to anticipate regulatory, industry,                          for global customers in a variety of additional areas,                         adhesives are used in a wide range of applications

                                        and helping the company meet society’s needs                                      societal and value chain trends to eff ectively                             including providing important product information.                             that enable key aspects of society, including

                                        with products and processes that are more                                         manage risk, support business sustainability and                           For example:                                                                   aff ordable housing and construction, sustainable

                                        environmentally suitable and off er improved                                       anticipate need for product evolution;                                                                                                                    wood products, food and agriculture, modern
                                                                                                                                                                                                     •  The Company’s commitments and positions
                                        performance. Hexion extends this commitment                                    •  Driving the adoption of science-based regulations;                             regarding confl ict minerals are described in our                           automobiles, and transportation systems, reliable

                                        to its customers by being a strategic partner and                              •  Proactively guiding Research and Development                                   Policy Statement on Responsible Sourcing of                                supply chains, fi re safety, and other products. The

                                        supporting their respective innovation eff orts.                                   teams in the selection of lower hazard and more                                Minerals and Supplier Code of Conduct.                                     chemistry of formaldehyde continues to make it a

                                        Consistent with the principles of the Responsible Care                            sustainable raw materials during early design phase                        •  Hexion does not intentionally add nor anticipate                            versatile and valuable material, with applications that

                                        Product Safety Code, Hexion’s product stewardship                                 of new developments;                                                           per- and polyfl uoroalkyl substances (PFAS)                                 enhance the quality and sustainability of modern life.

                                        eff orts include:                                                               •  Regularly reviewing product safety based on                                    substances, including perfl uorooctanoic acid                               The product stewardship team works closely with

                                        •  Supporting business and new product                                            Hexion’s Risk Assessment Process to identify and                               (PFOA) and perfl uorooctanesulfonates (salts of                             its business teams to ensure safe use of these
                                            development to ensure global compliance, risk                                 prioritize risks and actions to mitigate them; and                             perfl uorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOF)), to be present                        products and education of the downstream value

                                            management and product safety with regards                                 •  Promoting regulatory compliance, product                                       in its products.                                                           chain. Emissions from wood products bonded

                                            to existing product lines and innovation;                                     enhancements, and lower emissions.                                         •  Hexion does not intentionally add or anticipate the                         with formaldehyde resins have been dramatically
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    reduced in recent years. Hexion has led the way in
                                        •  Educating associates and customers to ensure                                                                                                                  presence of chemicals designated as persistent,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    targeting emission reductions by focusing on four
                                            products are designed, manufactured, stored,                                                                                                                 bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) by the U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    fronts: resin formulation/composition, manufacturing
                                            transported, used, and disposed of in a safe                                                                                                                 Environmental Protection Agency.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    techniques, methods of resin use and the application
                                            and environmentally responsible manner to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of formaldehyde scavengers. Learn more at Hexion’s
                                            protect people, customers, communities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    product stewardship summary for formaldehyde.
                                            and the environment;

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