Page 24 - Hexion Sustainability Report 2022
P. 24

Cybersecurity   The company has a culture dedicated to managing                    •  Hexion is not aware of any material incidents

     cyber risk and continues to foster behaviors that help
                                                                                        relating to cyber security or privacy breaches.
     to create a human fi rewall. Hexion’s cyber awareness                           •  In addition to analyzing potential threats, the
 & Data Privacy  program helps educate associates and regularly                         Company conducted a security incident tabletop

     tests their skills through simulated scenarios. A few

     highlights of cyber awareness activities from 2022:                                exercise to test its cyber team’s response to a
                                                                                        hypothetical critical incident.
     •  Hexion participated in Cyber Security Awareness                             •  Periodic Disaster Recovery tests were conducted

         Month in October with focuses on phishing,                                     to ensure resiliency and preparedness for various

 With ever increasing attempts by outside parties to breach   security basics, reducing email stressors,   outage scenarios.

 sensitive data, Hexion is continually adapting to the   and more.                  •  Identifi ed security controls were tested for

 latest threats and strategically investing in its information   •  Associates from across the globe had the   eff ectiveness and new controls were implemented.
         opportunity to demonstrate their skills by                                 •  Internal reviews of IT systems are conducted to
 technology infrastructure as part of an ongoing cyber
         participating in multiple simulated phishing                                   ensure compliance with relevant data privacy
 security commitment to its associates and partners.   assessments throughout the year.   regulations prior to implementation.

     •  Quarterly training included topics such as

         protecting against ransomware, identity best

         practices, insider threat and social engineering.
                                                                                           At the end of 2022,
     Hexion continuously monitors its systems for threats

     and vulnerabilities along with having defi ned response                                an external Security

     plans to ensure it can respond quickly and thoroughly
                                                                                           Rating Service ranked
     to cyber incidents. This includes a Security Operations
                                                                                           Hexion higher than 99
     Center analyzing and responding to potential threats                                                                                               99%

     every day of the year. Below are a few process and                                    percent of peer chemical

     technology highlights from 2022:                                                      manufacturing companies.                                  higher ranked
                                                                                                                                                        than peers

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