Page 32 - Hexion Sustainability Report 2022
P. 32

Social: Our People

 The driving force for Hexion’s success comes from an engaged

 global workforce where associates are empowered to drive

 innovation that benefi ts customers, fellow associates, the

 communities where we operate, and various stakeholders.

 Hexion is committed to fostering a culture of safety, well-being,

 integrity, and respect for others.

 Associate Attraction,   Intern Program                                             Pipeline Development Program

 Engagement & Retention   The company’s internship programs support the             Hexion’s Pipeline Development Program (PDP) is

     education of the next generation of promising                                  designed to accelerate the personal and professional
     associates. Hexion strives to teach the values of                              growth of recent graduates through hands-on
 Hexion’s continued success is based on its ability
     teamwork, creative solutions, process excellence,                              project-based learning, under the leadership of
 to recruit, develop, and maintain an exceptional and
     project leadership and integrity, while benefi ting from                        industry experts. PDP introduces each participant
 diverse workforce. The company leverages a variety
     new ideas that these exceptional students bring to                             to the diverse functions of a dynamic chemical
 of strategic programs that are detailed below.
     the workplace. Interns also gain critical experience                           manufacturing business through the completion
 Voice of the Associate Survey  while working on cross-functional projects with a   of four separate six-month long projects in several

 Hexion associates are the best source of knowledge   focus on sustainability. For example, during the   functional areas. As they explore diff erent aspects

 of regarding the company’s strengths and   summer of 2022, seven interns at Hexion’s Columbus   of Hexion’s business, associates receive thorough

 opportunities to improve. More than 85 percent   headquarters created an event focused on social   technical and developmental training to continue to

 of associates completed the 2022 Voice of the   sustainability. The fundraiser benefi ting Open Door   mold them into a leader that meaningfully contributes

 Associate Survey, a global survey that provided   Columbus, an organization that provides individuals   to the future of Hexion. Each participant demonstrates

 associates a channel to voice their opinion   with intellectual and developmental disabilities with   leadership skills and ingenuity in solving real-

 anonymously. The company utilizes this feedback to   residential and day services, and raised 60 percent   world problems within an environment focused on
 develop strategies to further create a safe, engaging,   more than expected, while promoting collaboration   continuous improvement in safety and sustainability.

 and inclusive environment where associates are   and creating a positive impact on the community.   For instance, one PDP participant worked closely with

 empowered to do their best work.                                                   the procurement team to help source the fi rst tanker
                                                                                    of bio-methanol used at Hexion’s Baytown, TX site.

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