Page 54 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2018
P. 54

neck of the woods |  community

              “At first, no one knew about us,” says   of bringing Eberhart on board. Eberhart, a   up,” he says. “We give hope to kids who might
              DeLaGrange, but word has spread, and   former Duck himself, brings over 18 years   not have any.”
              the alumni group has grown quickly as   of experience to supporting former student
              former Duck athletes are proactively   athletes.  “It was his passion at U of O,”   The Foundation also pairs events with a com-
              coming and  joining OAF.  “All of a   adds DeLaGrange of Eberhart’s time at the   munity project as well.  “We want to give
            sudden,” he says,  “overnight we have a   university, “just not his job description.”  back to the communities we live in,” says
        big organization out of a small passion.” The                                 DeLaGrange. Last year, for example, they
        university has also been very supportive, he   Oregon Athlete Foundation offers a variety of   provided a Grants Pass elementary school
        adds, even connecting with them to reach out   events over the year, including sports camps,   with an upgraded play structure system and
        to former students through OAF’s extensive   fundraisers, employment support, reunions   improvements to the schoolyard.
        alumni database.                       and networking events in locations over the
                                               western U.S. Most events are free or low-  Looking ahead, DeLaGrange wants  to see
        There is no cost for former U of O student   cost, adds DeLaGrange. “We don’t want it to   the Foundation continue to connect current
        athletes  to be  part of the Oregon  Athlete   be cost-prohibitive.”          and former coaches, athletes and teammates
        Foundation, points out DeLaGrange. “Initially,                                across the country and beyond.  “We want
        we were funded out of my pocket,” he says   Their camps have a special place for   to reach anywhere there are former  Duck
        laughing, but that has expanded as alumni   DeLaGrange.  “I got exposure to camps  all   athletes.”
        Ducks have seen the value of the organization.   over the country,” he says, remembering trips   Oregon Athlete Foundation
        “None  of  our board is paid,” points out   that his father would take him on through                 541-954-1603
        DeLaGrange. Along with their time and effort,   the years. “To be able to bring these coaches
        each board member contributes financially,   and camps to small communities—that’s so
        along with outside donations, as part of their   satisfying to me.”
        commitment to seeing Foundation programs
        continue.                              The camps offer local high school students the
                                               chance to come and learn from current and
        They are currently served by 11 board   former Ducks in a variety of sports. “Every
        members, two student  interns and their   coach is a current or former U of O athlete,”
        recently hired  executive  director, Jeff   says DeLaGrange, and he loves seeing students
        Eberhart. “It’s a perfect fit,” says DeLaGrange   connect with the camp coaches. “They light

                                                                                           Michael DeLaGrange - Founder of OAF

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