P. 33

Boulder City Golf Course                                                LAS VEGAS

                                          region: Las Vegas |  course type: Public

            estled within three mountain ranges   A traditional layout, the Boulder City Golf   features a host of amenities. Check out the
        Nand  adjacent  to  the  nationally   Course features tree-lined fairways and   full service pro shop, the Bar and Grill, and
        recognized  Hoover Dam, Boulder City   large receptive greens with water features   impressive banquet accommodations.  The
        Golf Course is more than just a stunning   on seven holes.  This par 72 golf course   Boulder  City  Golf  Course  Clubhouse  is
        18-hole golf course.  Acclaimed  golf   measures 6,600 yards from the back trees   open from dawn to dusk with breakfast and
        course architects Billy Casper and David   and has a slope of 117 for men and 123 for   lunch served daily.
        Rainville  established  the golf course in   women. The course is very enjoyable to play
        1973  into  a  6,600  yard,  par  72  layout   by all levels of ability, so bring your friends.   A full practice facility is available at the
        that  provides a haven for native  plants,                               Boulder City Golf Course. It offers quality
        abundant treescapes, and several integral   The Boulder City Golf Course Clubhouse is   putting and chipping greens and an excellent
        water features.                      a spacious, 5,000 square foot facility. It offers   driving range. Golf lessons are available
                                             an inviting retreat to golfers and visitors and   from the experienced pro shop staff.

            Course Details                    Property Amenities                1 Clubhouse Dr.
            Architects: Billy Casper and David   Golf Lessons                   Boulder City, NV 89005
            Rainville                         Pro Shop
            18 Holes                          Clubhouse               
            Par 72
            6,600 Yards from Back Tees        Restaurant/Dining
                                              Bar & Grill
            Practice Facility                 Breakfast & Lunch Daily
            Full Practice Facility            Banquet Facilities
            Putting Green
            Chipping Green
            Driving Range

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