P. 53


                                                     WILDHORSE                                               LAS VEGAS
                                                      G O L F  C  L U B

                                         Wildhorse Golf Club

                                         region: Las Vegas  |  course type: Public

               ildhorse Golf Club is an 18 hole, par  and is now  owned by the City of  up to 4,000 square feet  of space  with
          W70 championship course that boasts  Henderson. With rugged terrain and eight  floor to ceiling windows which overlook
          a storied past. Once owned by Howard  shimmering water hazards, you’ll need to  the beautifully  landscaped golf course
          Hughes and a  former  PGA  TOUR stop,  bring your A game!               and gardens.  Wildhorse is known for
          the course features lush fairways set amid                              its  friendly  staff,  competitive  rates  and
          stunning desert beauty. The original layout  Wildhorse Golf Club specializes in group  a wide range of services so that you can
          dates back to 1959 and was one of the first  outings, weddings, banquets, business  customize any event.
          golf courses in Las Vegas. The course was  meetings  and more.  The golf course is
          redesigned in 2004 by Brian Curley and  open to the pubic daily from sunrise to  Come and see for yourself what Wildhorse
          Lee Schmidt.                        sunset. A full-service golf shop,  practice  has  to  offer!  Now  proudly  managed  by
                                              facility, restaurant and bar is on site,  Elite Golf Management.
          Wildhorse has become  a local’s favorite  along  with a grand ballroom  that  opens

              Course Details                   Property Amenities                Restaurant/Dining

              Designer/Architects:             Practice Facility                 Full-Service Restaurant & Bar
              Lee Schmidt & Brian Curley       Golf Academy
              18 Holes, Par 70                 Tournaments & Groups              2100 W. Warm Springs Rd.
                                                                                 Henderson, NV 89014
              6,525 Yards from Back Tees       Weddings & Banquets               702-434-9000
                                               Golf Concierge
                                               Stay & Play Packages    

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