Page 32 - Golfing Southern California Magazine 2022
P. 32

Aviara Golf Club

                                      region: Carlsbad |  course type: Resort/Public

           ituated  on  Southern  California’s  sun-  Aviara Golf Club features a memorable  the academy offers private lessons, 1-2-3-
        Sdrenched  Pacific  Coast,  Park  Hyatt  coastal layout with over 7,007 yards  day schools that cover the entire game, as
        Aviara Resort is a luxurious seaside resort  uniquely sculpted around rolling hillsides,  well as short game and playing schools. The
        in  Carlsbad,  California,  just  north  of  San  plenty of bunkers, water features, and  Aviara Golf Academy was listed as a Top 25
        Diego, where  you  are inspired to  relax  landscaped  with  native  wildflowers  of  U.S. Golf School in Golf Digest Magazine.
        and indulge. From atop a high ridge on  Southern  California.  Located  within  an  The  TaylorMade  Aviara  Performance
        the shore of Batiquitos Lagoon, a wildlife  elegant  two-story,  32,000  square-foot  Center  is  a  Premier  Fitting  Location,
        sanctuary and a place of natural beauty, and  Spanish  colonial  clubhouse  are  premier  specially selected by TaylorMade to deliver
        overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Park Hyatt  player amenities, such as lockers, showers,  the  most  advanced  fitting  experience  in
        Aviara is an AAA Five Diamond San Diego  lounge area, full-service bar, and the newly  golf.  Led  by  an  elite  staff  of  professional
        resort that’s far from ordinary.    re-imagined clubhouse restaurant, Ember &  fitters,  golfers  will  be  treated  to  TOUR-
        This  Arnold  Palmer  designed  18-hole  Rye, specializing in vintage steaks and fresh  level fitting technology and testing clubs in
        championship golf course has been named  seafood with a classic California design.  the lab and on grass with the most extensive
        by Golf Digest and Golf Magazine as one of                               lineup of  new  TaylorMade  clubs  to hit.
        the best resort golf courses in America and  Kip  Puterbaugh’s  Aviara  Golf  Academy,  Utilizing  data-driven  feedback,  your  fitter
        the #1 golf resort in San Diego according  located on-site at Park Hyatt Aviara Resort,  will find the perfect combination of heads,
        to the readers of  Condé Nast Traveler.  is the longest-running golf academy in the  shafts, and specs, so your new clubs will be
        Aviara Golf Club is host to the LPGA JTBC  Western United States. Featuring 7 of the  the best you’ve ever had in your bag.
        Classic, played annually in March.   top 50 instructors in the state of California,

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