Page 68 - Golfing Southern California Magazine 2022
P. 68

Where to Dine                                                      DINE

               Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa                        5480 Grand Pacific Drive, Carlsbad  |  760-827-2500
               The Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa            |

          amed for its picture-perfect coastal views,  wines from vineyards in South America, Italy,  coastal  views  and  custom-designed  fire  and
      N20|Twenty  sits  atop  Carlsbad’s  highest  Australia, and other parts of the world.  water features. State-of-the art heat elements
      point.  As  The  Westin  Carlsbad  Resort  &                               allow for year-round enjoyment.
      Spa’s signature restaurant, its elegant location  20|Twenty  has  several  seating  options,
      provides a gorgeous backdrop for a truly  designed to suit your personal preference. The  Also  try  the  Sheraton  Carlsbad  Resort  &
      delightful dining experience.         airy  5,200  square-foot  Carlsbad  restaurant  Spa’s  signature  restaurant,  7  Mile  Kitchen,
                                            includes a large outdoor patio dining area,  where comfort classics take center stage. This
      The  menu  at  20|Twenty  features  farm-to-  allowing  patrons  to  enjoy  a  fireplace,  restaurant overlooks seven miles of Carlsbad
      coast cuisine with flavors and styles inspired  sweeping views of the Carlsbad coast, and a  coast. Pizza and gourmet burgers are crafted to
      by  the  California  coast.  Each  plate  served  refreshing ocean breeze. Indoors, you might  perfection and paired with a curated selection
      features the freshest ingredients, organic and  try the upscale dining room, intimate bar, or  of San Diego’s favorite brews.
      locally sourced whenever possible. The wine  comfortable lounge.  The outdoor covered
      list headlines some of the best California  terrace has relaxing and communal  seating  Please  review  current  travel  guidelines  at
      wines. A global selection allows you to choose  spaces. The terrace showcases the 180-degree

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