Page 92 - Golfing Southern California Magazine 2022
P. 92

Canyons at Oasis
   Nevada | South                                                      TRAVEL

                                              Palmer at Oasis Golf Club
     Conestoga Golf Club                                      Coral Canyon Golf Course

                                                                       Falcon Ridge Golf Course

     Coyote Springs Golf Course

     Sand Hollow Golf Course
                                            GOLF MESQUITE NEVADA

             esquite, Nevada is an experience unlike  The  city  of  Mesquite  is  also  a  popular     » Palmer at Oasis Golf Club
        Many  other,  complete  with  spectacular  destination for both causal and competitive     » Canyons at Oasis
        golf courses in the picturesque Virgin River  golfers.  Golf  Mesquite  Nevada  can  help
        Valley,  24-hour  action-packed  casinos  with  you customize an amazing golf vacation     » Conestoga Golf Club
        the latest slot and video machines, resort  package so you spend your days on the     » Coral Canyon Golf Course
        hotels featuring deluxe rooms and suites with  golf course and your evenings resting in     » Coyote Springs Golf Course
        mountain  and  pool  views,  and  world-class  luxurious  accommodations  at  a  world-class
        spas with an extensive variety of massages,  resort  hotel.  Golf  Mesquite  Nevada  offers     » Falcon Ridge Golf Course
        facials, and body care treatments.  seven championship golf courses, each with     » Sand Hollow Golf Course
                                            a different challenge and a beautiful setting.

       90                                WWW.GOLFINGSOUTHERNCALIFORNIA.COM
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