Page 40 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2020
P. 40


        Morikawa has obviously put his knowledge from the sum-  because of the ever-growing professional golf community.
        mer of 2019 to great use and he continues to add to his   Even while at home, Morikawa learns because of the depth
        rolodex of knowledge each and every week. Plus, his confi-  of Vegas talent. “There are so many great players who live
        dence continues to expand.                             here, and I learn a lot just from being around them and prac-
                                                               ticing and playing with them,” says Morikawa.

        “I think when I play my best, I'm able to compete and beat
        these guys when I'm playing really well,” he told the media   Among the professionals that live and play in Las Vegas
        following the PGA Championship victory. “It's cool to play   are Maverick McNealy, Danielle and Alex Kang, Sangmoon
        practice rounds with these guys because I learn so much,   Bae, Alex Cejka, Doug Ghim, Kurt Kitayama, David Lipsky,
        just how they think. I don't have to ask a bunch of ques-  Ryan Moore, Kevin Na , Scott Piercy, Aaron Wise and part-
        tions, but just watching Steve Stricker this week, how he   time Summit resident Rickie Fowler, among others.
        goes around the practice round, how he chips, how he putts.
        I'm always trying to pick up on what these best players do
        and what makes them so great because who knows what I'm   Morikawa has impressed everyone with his consistent iron
        going to figure out; who knows what's going to click in my   play, already the stuff of legend. During his time at Cal, he
        head to work for the week or the next year or whatever it is.”  once went through a testing combine that revealed that his
                                                               dispersion pattern with a 6-iron was comparable to other
                                                               elite golfers using a pitching wedge. Those results have
        Morikawa plays out of the new Tom Fazio Summit Club in   translated to the PGA TOUR very effectively.
        Las Vegas and made the move to Southern Nevada in part

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