Page 50 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2020
P. 50


        ambassador, and he had his style and his way of playing,”   than anybody. So, to give the fans a state-of-the-art facility
        says Allen, who played with him during the Bob Hope    I think was always his greatest ambition besides winning
        Classic on the PGA Tour. “On top of that, he was a joy to   a championship. I know he exhausted all of the efforts in
        play with and was a regular guy who just wanted to have   Oakland to stay, but for this to happen and for him to cre-
        fun. I could see the charisma and all that he had built up as   ate this incredible stadium in Las Vegas combined with
        a player, even though he was older when I played with him.   everything that already is Vegas, it's amazing. Las Vegas is
        He still had this magic about him.”                    easily the entertainment capital, but they're going to be the
                                                               sports capital now as well. And with all due respect to any
                                                               other Vegas franchises—like the Golden Knights who have
        With the Raiders having  made the move  to Las Vegas   done an amazing job—the Raiders are going to be clearly
        and the new Allegiant Stadium, Allen could be soon play-  the most popular in my opinion.”
        ing a little more golf in Las Vegas. He thinks the move is
        a win for the organization and owner Mark Davis. “I think   By nature, Allen might just be a little biased on that last
        the move to Las Vegas is great; I mean, it's beyond great   comment.
        because knowing Mark Davis, there's nothing more he’s
        ever wanted to do than give the fans their own stadium,”
        Allen says. “He's the owner of the team, but is also a fan
        at heart and he also probably appreciates his fanbase more

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