P. 42

neck of the woods | prof ile



                  Fishing Guide
                    & Innovator

                          steve boyarsky
                       katie falkenberg

              e in Southern Oregon are blessed with many,
        Wmany amazing people who share their talents
        with all of us. To name and profile them all would fill
        a book. We’ve chosen a few, and over the next several
        issues will present some of these folks, some you may
        not know. Perhaps, reading about them will inspire
        you to reach out and offer your own talents, your
        time and resources.

        Q – You’ve been a fly-fishing guide in British
        Columbia and Alaska for years, what
        brought you back to Southern Oregon?
        Scott – What brought me back to Southern Oregon
        is that I’m able to guide year-round. We have a world-
        class fishery in Southern Oregon every month of the
        year. In Alaska and B.C., the seasons were short, and
        it wasn’t possible to make a living and raise a family,
        so I came back to Southern Oregon.
        Q – How did you get involved in fly fishing?
        Scott  – With my father, our summers were based
        around fishing. He grew up in Grants Pass and was a
        teacher in Medford. We basically moved to the North
        Umpqua River and fished  for the summer. There
        wasn’t much choice in the matter—I was lucky I hap-
        pened to love it.

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