P. 58

the good life | herbal help


                         WITH TRADITIONAL HERBALISM

                        Whole Plant, Root, & Flower Support for Your Body’s
                                                    Natural Defenses

                                          brie malarkey, founder and ceo of sun god medicinals

              et, rainy autumn days and cold winter nights are fast approach-  years in their medicinal traditions. Today it is used by many to support
        Wing, and their arrival marks the beginning of cold and flu sea-  the immune system, encourage respiratory health, and fight infections
        son. Allopathic medicine has  made major  advances in the 20th and   such as the common cold and flu.
        21st centuries in helping to prevent, fight, and lessen the symptoms of
        the common cold and various                                                                Marshmallow Leaf  (Althaea
        influenza viruses. Preventative                                                            officinalis) – The use of this herb
        measures such as flu vaccina-                                                              in ancient Egyptian, Greek,
        tions, OTC decongestants                                                                   Arab, and Roman traditions can
        like pseudoephedrine, cough                                                                be traced back at least  2,000
        suppressants in the form  of                                                               years. This is another amazing
        dextromethorphan and more                                                                  plant  found across Southern
        are  offered  everywhere  from                                                             Oregon, and has been reported
        major grocery store  chains to                                                             to have myriad potential health
        convenience stores and beyond.                                                             benefits. Marshmallow leaf
                                                                                                   has been used by herbalists to
        However, for thousands of years                                                            soothe  sore  throats, protect
        our ancestors have turned to                                                               mucus membranes, and clear
        whole roots, flowers, and herbs                                                            congestion.
        provided by nature to help sup-
        port the immune response,                                                                  Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
        decongest  nasal passages and                                                              - Hyssop is originally native to
        sinuses, expectorate  built-up                                                             Southern Europe, but can be
        mucus in the lungs, suppress                                                               easily cultivated in our region.
        coughs, and more. Traditional                                                              Known as a holy herb in tradi-
        herbalists have spent genera-                                                              tions that predate the Bible, this
        tions identifying  herbal allies                                                           plant has been used in both tra-
        that may play a vital role in                                                              ditional religious ceremony and
        protecting and  maintaining                                                                in herbal remedies for millen-
        your health from infections and                                                            nia. Herbalists often use hyssop
        illness and potentially relieve                                                            to address concerns with the
        some of the unpleasant symp-                                                               gallbladder  or  urinary tract,
        toms that accompany them.                                                                  to soothe the lungs and throat,
                                                                                                   to help provide relief from
        Echinacea (Echinacea purpu-                                                                coughs, and to support the
        rea) - Originally native to areas                                                          immune system. It’s even used
        east of  the  Rocky Mountains                                                              as a flavoring in modern foods
        in North America, this hardy                                                               and a fragrance in cosmetics.
        and drought-tolerant herb thrives in the Southern Oregon bioregion.
        Echinacea has been used by Native American herbalists for thousands of   Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - Native to North America, Europe, and

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