P. 71

kidney damage, lowered IQ, hearing loss, miscarriage, nervous   12. GLYCOL ETHERS
            system issues, brain damage and disruption to the bodies stress
            system causing anxiety and depression.                    »  These cause shrunken testicles, infertility issues, blood abnor-
                                                                       malities, and are often found in paint, cleaning products, brake
           »  Keep your home clean and well maintained. Remove or fix   fluid and cosmetics.
            crumbling old paint. Drink filtered water and eat clean food
            to increase killer cells in the body and to absorb less lead in   See for a complete list of acceptable list of cosmetics.
            the body.

        8. ARSENIC                                                     ADDITIONALLY:

           »  Arsenic is lurking in food and water. If you eat enough, it will   1.  Don’t use a microwave to heat up your food.
            outright kill you. Smaller amounts may cause skin problems,
            bladder and lung problems or cancer. Arsenic causes hormone   2.  Cook  foods  in a cast iron,  stainless steel or  lead-free glass
            imbalance in every system, leading to weight gain, insulin    cookware, instead of non-stick cookware.
            resistance, immunosuppression and diabetes.
                                                                       3.  Avoid hot liquids in foam Styrofoam cups.
           »  Use filtered water that filters arsenic.
                                                                       4.  Use stainless steel water containers, instead of plastic ones.
        9. MERCURY
                                                                       5.  Minimize the use of harsh pesticides on your lawn.
           »  It is a naturally occurring but toxic metal in the air and ocean
            through burning coal. Pregnant women are most at risk.     6.  Look for feminine products made from organic cotton and
            Mercury wreaks havoc on the menstrual cycles of women, and    avoid any that contain dioxin.
            causes infertility and blood glucose imbalances.
                                                                       7.  Minimize your use of nail polish and any kind of solvent.
           »  Eat sustainable seafood with lots of healthy fats. Wild salmon
            and farmed trout are good choices.                         8.  Invest in a water purification system for every water source in
                                                                          your house.
            (PFCS)                                                     9.  If you are trying to conceive, get pregnant or are breastfeeding,
                                                                          avoid inhaling industrial strength glue and other chemicals.
           »  99% of Americans have PFCs in their bodies. It is linked to low
            sperm counts, kidney disease, high cholesterol, thyroid  dis-
            ease, and sex hormone imbalances.                      STAY CLEAN!

           »  Avoid non-stick  pans, as  well as  stain-resistant  and water-
            resistance coatings on clothing, furniture and carpets.
                                                                   Nisha Jackson PhD
        11.  ORGANOPHOSPHATE PESTICIDES                            Peak Medical Clinic –

                                                          – author of “Brilliant Burnout”
           »  The Nazi’s used this in huge quantities for chemical warfare.
            Since WWII, it has been used as a pesticide and is still among
            the most commonly used today.

           »  Buy organic produce.
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