P. 86

feature | the beauty issue
      feature | women in wine

             the variety.” Jolee’s grateful for other Southern Oregon women in
             wine who willingly share knowledge and encouragement.

             URBAN CORK

        After Linda Donovan received her enology degree  from UC Davis,
        she worked several years at top California wineries. She relocated to
        Southern Oregon in 2000 and started a vineyard in Ashland, also help-
        ing others as they established theirs. Linda is passionate about bringing
        vitality to downtown Medford, and her current location fits that ideal.
        The historic building houses her custom-crush winery, Pallet Wine
        Company, and there she makes her own label, L. Donovan Wines. She
        purchased the attached building in 2014 and two years later opened
        The Urban Cork, a tasting room for her 35 clients. She sees each as her
        “boss,” working with them to create the wine they envision. She started
        years ago with a partner and brought in investors, but recently became
        the proud 99% owner. (Some close friends will retain their stake.)

        Linda is an energetic, hard-working woman, but in her down time, you
        might find her on the trail with her dog, on the beach or at the spa.


        Sue Brandborg, in her late 30s with grown children, had never tasted
        wine. The internist she worked for in Wyoming offered her red wine
        made by Terry, his California fishing buddy. She tried it and liked it. “I
        fell in love with the wine before the man.”

        Two years later, she met Terry Brandborg at a wine-tasting event, and
        discovered they were both going through divorce. He invited her to join
        “some of us” for beer and pizza. They started corresponding and a year
        later, she moved to California. She jumped into the wine side-business,
        still keeping her day job, and a passion was born.

        Terry and Sue  wanted to do more  with their winemaking, and for
        two years sought cool, coastal regions to grow Pinots. Nothing. They
        tried Oregon, where a stop at Abacela Winery yielded a good glass of
        wine and a suggestion to check out Elkton. There they purchased land,
        moved, and planted five acres. Their vineyard grew, as did the region.
        Sue has helped with harvesting, blending, trials, bottling. She manages
        distribution to 25 states, does the books and keeps things tidy.


        Ruth Garvin’s family owned a farm in Sams Valley, then decided to go
        into wine. Ruth owned coffeehouses in Portland for 20 years, which she
        eventually sold. “I went from early morning to evening liquids,” she says
        of joining the family business. Cliff Creek’s first release was in 2006,
        and with her retail background, Ruth handled marketing. They opened
        a tasting room in the heart of Willamette Valley Wine Country, later
        opening one in Southern Oregon. Currently, she and her brother own
        the business. Lee runs the vineyard, and Ruth profiles the wine, handles
        marketing and distribution, and more.

        Cliff Creek has out-of-state markets and a robust Oregon distribution.
                                                                        LINDA DONOVAN,  PALLET WINE CO. AND  THE URBAN CORK
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