Page 88 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Winter 2019
P. 88

[  LEISUR E                ]

                                                     F A SH ION

                DRIVE FOR SHOW,                                                THE WIND
                 PUTT FOR DOUGH                                           IN YOUR FLARE

        Fashion Tip                                            Fashion Tip

        Make a statement with your fashion and your game. A simple image or   It’s time to add a little “flare” to your golf wardrobe. The 70s bellbottom
        slogan on your garment can help bring a social conversation or make   pants are back in style! Prepare your wardrobe for a retro revival. I have
        a statement. My “money” and “dollar bill” bodysuit says it all while on   paired my flared pants with a studded sequined gold and black fitted
        the putting green. Drive For Show, Putt for Dough. I paired this body-  bodysuit. I want my flare to be the center of attention.  Have fun with
        suit with a sequined pink and silver checkered skirt to give my look a   the flare if you dare.
        louder and more vibrant statement. This time of year, I love to mix and
        match and have fun, to be colorful and creative with my wardrobe.   Golf Tip

        Golf Tip                                               Golf is hard enough, but add in weather and wind, and you have one of
                                                               many reasons golf is “played between the ears.” So, how do you judge
        Let’s be clear, every shot starting from tee to green is important. Every   the distance in the wind? It’s a guessing game. You get your yardage,
        shot counts. However, your final shot on the 18th green can determine   look at the top of the trees or the clouds in the sky, throw some grass
        your end round, day or week. Your putting is half of your scoring so   in the air to see which direction the wind is blowing and make your
        it’s that much more important. Note that your long game will not be   calculated guesstimate. Usually, if the wind is 10-mph, you add or sub-
        on-point every day; you will have off days where it’s important to rely   tract 10 yards per 100 yards of your distance. Note: this also takes time,
        on your putter and feel for the greens to keep you scoring well and your   experience and practice. You need to put yourself in different weather
        confidence high.                                       circumstances to understand your game and club selections.

     86  LVG&L   WINTER 2019                                                 W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93