Page 100 - Oregon Golf & Travel Guide 2022
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Events & Groups

                              INDIAN CREEK GOLF COURSE                  3605 Brookside Dr., Hood River
                                                                        541-386-7770  |
          ndian  Creek  Golf  Course  is  more  than  Columbia  River  on  I-84  East  and  you’ll  option for hosting the special days in your
        Ijust a great location for a round of golf in  soon  enter  into  one  of  the  nation’s  most  life, from a family reunion to an important
        Hood River. The facility is centrally located  beautiful  National  Scenic Area.  This  full-  corporate meeting to a fairy tale wedding.
        just 50 miles east of Portland International  service facility  is situated in the beautiful  With  years  of  wedding  experience,  their
        Airport   in   Oregon’s   Mid-Columbia  Hood River Valley, where it is surrounded  attention to detail allows you to enjoy your
        region. Just follow the waterfalls along the  by orchards and wineries. It’s the area’s top  wedding day free of stress and hassle.

                              JUNIPER GOLF COURSE                1938 SW Elkhorn Ave., Redmond
                                                                 541-548-3121  |

          uniper Golf Course in Redmond is carved  a private banquet room with the adjoining  station for your guests with unlimited coffee
        Jfrom  the  Central  Oregon  Desert  with  a  outdoor  patio.  For  weddings  of  60  or  and iced tea during your event.
        panoramic view of the Cascades. It truly is a  more  Juniper  will  close  the  restaurant  to
        natural and beautiful wedding setting that is  the public and allow you use of the entire   Juniper  offers  two  outstanding  outdoor
        perfect for intimate and private celebrations.  facility,  creating  a  great  atmosphere  for   ceremony  locations  to  choose  from:  the
        Every  month  of  the  year  Juniper  Golf  your  celebration.  Juniper’s  room  rental   2,000  square  foot  patio  that  overlooks  the
        Course can provide a unique and individual  package  allows  you  to  keep  within  your   golf course and has full panoramic views of
        setting for your wedding up for 125 guests.  budget as it includes set up and clean up of   the mountains as well as the 4000 square foot
        Juniper  offers  full  service  catering  with  the  banquet  facility,  stock  colored  linens,   chipping green that offers soft green grass
        many different options and price ranges.   glassware,  flatware,  tables  and  chairs,  use   amidst the rolling hills of the award winning
                                            of the wireless Internet, and a podium with   golf course and views of the Cascades.
        Weddings of 60 or less will enjoy the use of   microphone.  You  also  receive  a  beverage

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