Page 94 - Oregon Golf & Travel Guide 2022
P. 94

Where to Dine

                 SALISHAN COASTAL LODGE                         7760 North Highway 101, Gleneden Beach
                                                                541-705-2419  |

           he joy of eating well is taken seriously  new specials. Mangia received the Award of  Your cravings will be satisfied at Coffee &
        Tat  Salishan.  Without  great,  expertly  Excellence from Trip Advisor for 2019.  Cravings. Find great morning fare, lunches
        prepared  food,  life  is  missing  something                            including  clam  chowder  and  gourmet
        fundamental.  That’s  the  reasoning  behind   Beachcrest  Brewery  is  an  independent   sandwiches featuring Boar’s Head meats and
        their  carefully  crafted,  organic,  coastal-  brewery and taproom serving artisanal ales at   cheeses. Enjoy a Café Umbria Espresso while
        inspired fare and social dining experiences.   Salishan on the Oregon Coast. At Beachcrest,   shopping the selection of artisan cheeses and
        Choose  from  three  culinary  options  to   the  motto  is  Coastal.  Community.  Craft.   experience the olive oil and balsamic tasting
        satisfy every kind of appetite—three unique   Beachcrest strives to capture the beauty and   bar. Don’t forget to grab a warm, fresh baked
        settings, three newly renovated spaces, three   essence  of  what  makes  the  central  Oregon   cookie or pastry.
        fantastic views, three spots where you’ll get   Coast such an incredible place to live and
        impeccable service and downright delicious   visit. The restaurant has focused on building  Squatchsami  offers  a  focused  menu  of
        food  embodying  the  cuisine  of  the  Oregon   and  enriching  the  local  community  by  Oregon Coast comfort foods. #1 on the menu
        Coast.                              creating  a  space  for  friends  new  and  old.  is their Fish & Chips. Hook & line caught
                                            They believe in the artistry of hand crafting  Wild Oregon Halibut, the staple, exclusively
        Since 1978, The Bay House has been much  great  beer  and  the  importance  of  creating  sourced  from  Newport’s  Monde  Uni.
        more  than  just  a  restaurant.  Great  food,  and serving the freshest and most delicious  Each  piece  is  individually  hand-breaded  in
        attentive service, and a beautiful setting have  brews.                  Squatchsami secret spices and battered with
        been its hallmarks, but the true claim to fame                           Beachcrest  Brewing  Company  Beer.  You
        is amazing coastal fare.            Salishan also offers a handful of other options   can’t come to the beach and not try the daily
                                            for dining. Provisions Market offers an all-  conjured  Clam  Chowder.  A  New-England
        Proudly  serving  authentic,  coastal  Italian  day dining menu featuring healthy and fresh   chowder snob’s dream come true. If you are
        food,  as  well  as  local  craft  beer  and  wine,  ingredients.  Order  and  eat  on  the  outdoor   looking for a bit of sweet and savory, try their
        Mangia is the perfect spot for a date-night,  patio or take to-go for al-fresco or in-room   Chix  N’  Waffle,  great  for  breakfast,  lunch
        special  occasion,  or  lunch  on-the-go.  dining.  The  Attic  serves  dinner,  cocktails,   or dinner. A crispy yet tender scratch-made
        Offering  a  seasonally  changing  menu,  you  wine  and  beer  daily  with  beautiful  sunset   waffle  smothered  in  bacon-butter,  topped
        can  always  expect  something  new.  Check  views from the outdoor deck.   with a honey-kissed, buttermilk dredged and
        out their website to see some of their exciting                          hand-breaded fried chicken tenderloin.

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