Page 27 - LVG&L Magazine Summer 2020
P. 27


        Industry leaders reveal Covid-19 protocols

        Pretty much all golf courses in the United States are now   practices. Using measures set by the CDC and The White
        back open after many paused operations due to the Covid-19   House “Guidelines for Opening Up America Again” plan,
        pandemic. All courses in Southern Nevada have reopened   the recommendations progressed  at various  paces and
        and report very strong play from local golfers.        times as other business followed suit to reopen during early

        To ensure a safe return for players and staff, the top national   summer. Geographic location also played a part in the plan-
        and international allied golf associations worked together   ning and timing.
        to create the Back2Golf reopening playbook.            “Golf inherently provides many health and fitness benefits,

        Back2Golf was driven by key stakeholders of WE ARE     including the opportunity to spend time outdoors with fam-
        GOLF,  a division of the World Golf Foundation created   ily and friends, which is needed now more than ever,” said
        in 2010 to spearhead initiatives on behalf of the game.   Greg McLaughlin, CEO of World Golf Foundation. “It is a
        Organizations include PGA of America, USGA, PGA        sport that naturally lends itself to social distancing and the
        TOUR, LPGA, Golf Course Superintendents Association    ‘Back2Golf’ guidelines. We greatly appreciate the collabora-
        of America (GCSAA), National Golf Course Owners        tion between all the allied golf organizations. It represents
        Association (NGCOA), and Club Management Association   another example of our industry coming together for the
        of America (CMAA), among others. The local bodies in   greater good as our game has done so many times before.”
        Southern Nevada have implemented the plans.
        After review from the Centers for Disease Control and
        Prevention,  golf  leaders  and  medical  experts,  the  game’s
        national organizations adopted the approach, which focuses
        on prolonged social distancing and enhanced sanitization

          SOCIAL                     1. ALWAYS                                            2. STAY
                                     stay six feet apart                                  HOME
          DISTANCING                 from others.                      6 feet             if you have
                                                                                          a fever or
          GUIDELINES                                                                      feel sick.

                                     3. AVOID                                             4. If in doubt...
                                     large gatherings on the
          Do your part to get                                                             DON’T
                                     first tee, driving range
                                     or after the round.                                  TOUCH IT.

                                     5. ALWAYS                         7. AVOID           8. RESPECT
                                     mark your ball clearly.           handshakes and     the game and
                                                                       high-fives.        all involved.

                                     6. WEAR                                              9. REMEMBER
                                     a facial covering                                    to wash your hands
                                     when taking a lesson.                                after playing.

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