Page 99 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2020
P. 99
The Jovick Construction core values stand true of their builds
and of their involvement in their community: “Do the right
thing. Build to last. Share the good.” Dan is currently chairper-
son of a local peer group of Ashland designers, architects, and
trades people called the Splinters, and was also part of starting
an apprentice carpenter scholarship program at Ashland High
School. Jovick Construction has been involved with charity
events, sponsoring kids’ ski groups, and Dan regularly visits
local schools. “I love getting kids excited about carpentry,” says
Dan. “I see it as part of my overall purpose—to help increase
awareness of how awesome and how many opportunities there
are in the trades.”
It’s all part of their big vision, and Jovick Construction is con-
fident in its ability to accomplish it with each client home,
homestead, or commercial project as they build the connection
between heart and home here in Southern Oregon.
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