Page 18 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Summer 2018
P. 18

[   LV G           L   ]

                                              EDI T OR ’S N O T E

                                              Writer Brian Hurlburt gets up close and per-  wine, and golf. This three-day non-profit event
                                            sonal with both UNLV golf teams and several   is a must-do event of 2018. All of us at Las
        UNLV Golf, Best Of                  of the top players—read his findings starting   Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine are thrilled to
        Awards, and Much More               on page 36. As always, we at Las Vegas Golf &   bring our event production experience to the
                                            Leisure enjoy supporting both teams and their   area, helping us to give back in a huge way.
          UNLV golf is recognized nationally as a top   excellence!               Whether you want to golf and enjoy a
        tier program, and their recent records have   You voted, we tallied, and the results are   party, or just the party itself, get involved and
        proven that. The UNLV men’s and women’s   in! This issue brings our second year of Best   support this awesome new event. A whopping
        golf teams each have won three Mountain   Of Readers’ Choice Awards. Las Vegas Golf &   100 percent of net proceeds will be donated to
        West Conference championships in a row and   Leisure Magazine readers have cast their votes   local charities benefiting local children’s char-
        combined, the nationally-ranked programs   on a wide variety of topics from best restaurant   ities, including Keep Memory Alive. For more
        have made the NCAA Regionals 46 times in a   to best entertainment. Check out all of the   information on the event and how to purchase
        row. Both stunning streaks, indeed. The men   winners starting on page 60 and venture out   tickets, read our Q & A story in this issue, page
        made it 30-straight years in 2018 and the ladies   on the town to try them first hand! They are   78, and visit
        streak increased to 16 in 2018, before they   obviously doing something right to be voted   And if you are looking to volunteer, you would
        finished ninth, ending their season. The men   number one in their category.  be most welcome, please email me at heidi@
        qualified for the NCAA finals with a third-  Also on its second year for us, coming in the
        place finish at the NCAA Columbus regional.   fall of 2018, November 1 thru 3 to be exact,
        It marked their 21st appearance in the finals   is Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine’s own   Have a fantastic summer!
        in the last 30 years. They finished in the final   event—The Audi Henderson Lake Las Vegas
        eight in 2017 and recently finished 19th in   Classic at Reflection Bay Golf Club—showcas-
        2018.                               ing the area’s best when it comes to culinary,

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