Page 74 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Summer 2018
P. 74
behind the ball to select the start line of the time your routine, and then work on consis- instead: “Was I committed? Did I picture
shot. Proper balance and tension are crucial tently replicating that time. Annika Sorens- the shot? Did I feel the shot? How was my
to good shot making, but they are often tam’s routine was consistently 22-24 seconds tempo?” The answers to these questions
forgotten. The breath is a simple and powerful long. Yours might be longer or shorter. While should drive your focus on the next shot. For
way to remain relaxed and centered. everyone’s routine is unique, remember that example, if you were uncommitted on the last
shorter seems to be better. shot, be sure to emphasize commitment on
A – A c t ion Most amateurs’ post-shot routines consist your next shot. If your tempo was too quick,
you were probably anxious about the shot.
Having completed the first three steps, it is of a few colorful metaphors followed by Commit to swinging smoothly on the next
time to step in and pull the trigger. Lingering thumping the ground, their bag, or even shot.
over the ball only produces doubts, second themselves with the offending club. Instead of
thoughts, and paralysis by analysis. As soon abuse, let’s make use of this time to improve. The use of an effective pre- and post-shot
as I see players extend their routine by sneak- Golfers have a tendency to judge each shot, routine will improve your focus, reduce dis-
ing extra looks at the target, making extra while making an objective evaluation is far tractions, and lower anxiety. When you prime
waggles, and extending their time over the more helpful. Instead of saying, “That shot the mind and body for action, you’ll see the
ball, I know a poor shot is sure to follow. was terrible, awful, etc.,” simply note the facts; consistency and excellence that even Aristotle
e.g. it was 40 feet right of target or 20 feet would approve of.
Ho w do y ou short. Removing the emotional reaction bet-
im pr o v e y our ter prepares you to respond to the challenge
r out ine ? of the next shot.
Practice. You cannot expect your routine The second piece of the post-shot routine
to be effective or consistent if the only time involves the questions you ask yourself. If
you use it is on the course. Every second or your questions fall along the lines of, “What’s
third shot, chip, or putt in a practice session wrong with you? What are you doing? How
should utilize a full routine. Have a friend could you be so stupid?” try using these