Page 81 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Summer 2018
P. 81

lunch and a tee prize from Adidas. That is a great value in my opinion.
                                                               In a lot of local tournaments I support, we pay $400 to $500 per person
                                                               for a golf tournament and a lunch, that’s it. You don’t get this elaborate
                                                               dinner and a welcome cocktail party the night before. It’s really a great
                                                               deal when you add everything up.

        Q: What makes this event                               Q: hoW did the event come
                                                               about? What Was your
        uniQue Within the Las vegas                            inspiration for starting it?

        a: Las Vegas is a tough town to start an event in, we have it all here.   a: We started this concept 13 years ago in Bend, Oregon at Prong-
        But I do feel like we have carved out a very unique space within the Las   horn Resort—a five-star resort with a Jack Nicklaus Signature Course.
        Vegas event landscape. We invite our locals to come out to the lake and   We wanted to combine golf with the culinary arts and world-renowned
        make a staycation within the Lake Las Vegas Classic. Living here, we all   chefs. That event is now the largest golf and culinary event in the
        do staycations on The Strip and know what that’s about. But we invite   Northwest with nearly 2,000 people at the dinner and 60 golf teams in
        you to enjoy the lake side of Vegas for a weekend. Book a room at the   the tournament. We brought that concept to Vegas and found an ideal
        Westin, enjoy a reception Thursday night around the event beach and   partner in Lake Las Vegas, Reflection Bay Golf Club and The Westin
        sit around the fire pits later that evening. Play in a loaded golf tourna-  Lake Las Vegas. All of our events are non-profit 501c3 events, so every-
        ment on Friday at a world-class course at Reflection Bay. Try paddle   thing we raise after event expenses is donated to local charities. It’s one
        boarding that afternoon and then book a table at Marssa for Friday   way our company gives back and also helps drive tourism and interest
        night. Saturday morning sit by the pool or beach before you enjoy an   to our golf partners.
        amazing culinary experience starting at 5 p.m. with 15 chefs, wineries,
        spirits, beer, dancing, an auction and more. It’s really that good of a
        weekend and so different from your normal Vegas staycation.  Q: for its inauguraL year, hoW
                                                               do you feeL the event Went in
        We’re the only event in Southern Nevada that truly combines a golf   2017?
        tournament with a high-end culinary event. And regardless of whether
        or not you play golf, you can attend just the Culinary Feast and have
        a great time—and not worry about the golf side of things. But if you   a: The first year went great as we had over 250 people at the VIP
        want an amazing weekend that starts on Thursday night with a VIP   launch party, 45 golf teams compete in the tournament and over
        reception for our golfers and guests and runs deep into Saturday night   1,000 people at the Culinary Feast. It was really a great first year. One
        with the best chefs in Las Vegas, then I think we have a unique event   thing we battled a little was letting people know that this isn’t just a
        worth attending.                                       golf tournament. You can attend the Culinary Feast on Saturday night
                                                               without having to play golf. It’s really two separate events in one. So we
        Lastly, you have to look at our value. For $2000 you can buy a foursome   are really trying to let people know that the Saturday night dinner is
        and get eight entries to the VIP party Thursday night and 10 tickets to   open to anyone and individual dinner tickets are available. It is really a
        the Culinary Feast Saturday night. The dinner tickets alone are worth   special night.
        $125 each and give you an all-inclusive dining experience Saturday
        night where 15 chefs have gathered to serve you. You can enjoy all the   Q: did it Work WeLL to have the
        food and drink you want, plus dance the night away to the Spazmat-
        ics. So you end up paying less than $200 per person to play in a golf   event hosted at Lake Las vegas
        tournament at Reflection Bay Golf Club where you enjoy a huge BBQ   and refLection bay goLf cLub?

        W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                     SUMMER 2018  LVG&L  79
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