Page 87 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
P. 87

Events & Groups                                                                                              VENUES


                       INDIAN CREEK GOLF COURSE                   3605 Brookside Dr., Hood River, OR
                                                                  541-386-7770  |
          ndian Creek Golf Course is more than just  I-84 East and you’ll soon enter into one of  days in your life, from a family reunion to
        Ia great location for a round of golf in Hood  the nation’s most beautiful National Scenic  an important corporate meeting to a fairy tale
        River. The facility is centrally located just 50  Area. This full-service facility is situated in  wedding. With years of wedding experience,
        miles east of Portland International Airport in  the beautiful Hood River Valley, where it is  their attention to detail allows you to enjoy
        Oregon’s Mid-Columbia region. Just follow  surrounded  by  orchards  and  wineries.  It’s  your wedding day free of stress and hassle.
        the waterfalls along the Columbia River on  the area’s top option for hosting the special

                                EAGLE CREST RESORT                  1522 Cline Falls Rd., Redmond
                                                                    855-682-4786  |

            agle  Crest  is  a  full-service  destination  an  outdoor  or  indoor  event,  Eagle  Crest’s  Equipped  with  full  kitchens,  indoor  and
        Eresort with three golf courses located just  venues can accommodate any preference.  outdoor  entertainment  spaces,  and  some
        outside the city of Redmond on 1,700 acres                               with  hot  tubs,  the  vacation  rentals  are  the
        in the high desert of Central Oregon. Nestled   Enjoy  spectacular  views  of  the  Deschutes   perfect  home  base.  The  friendly  staff  of
        against  the  majestic  Cascade  Mountains   River and the convenience of having all your   group planning experts can help you every
        near Bend, Eagle Crest boasts over 300 days   guests  stay  at  the  resort.  Vacation  rentals   step of the way along with many preferred
        of sunshine each year with an annual rainfall   can be reserved in clusters to accommodate   local partners.
        of less than nine inches. Whether you want   groups, family, and friends.

                               OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021              85
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