Page 18 - LVG&L 2018 WINTER
P. 18

[   LV G           L   ]

                                              EDI T OR ’S N O T E

          Cathy Kim                                             Mark Cheney

                               Welcome to the team!

                   e are excited to announce two   together to support anything and everything
                   new writers that have joined   that benefits our amazing city.   So enjoy this issue, the great pictures of
          Wus this issue. Cathy Kim is                                           the Vegas Golden Knights, and the many
        the Director of Player development at TPC   Our cover this issue is just a sneak peak.   other stories within these pages. And we look
        Summerlin in Las Vegas. She teaches golfers   Writer Brian Hurlburt gets us up close with   forward to brining you more each and every
        of all ages and skill levels and has joined us   the team and the organization—“Vegas’s   issue. And in a year or two, maybe we can get
        as a columnist to offer her advice. In this first   Golden Knights are playing to capacity   Brian Hurlburt up close and personal with
        issue she focuses on the warm up routine   crowds at T-Mobile Arena and got off to   our own NFL team.
        before your round. How to effectively use   the best expansion start in National League
        that time to improve your consistency on the   History, winning 12 of the first 19 games and
        course.                              basically standing tied for first place in the
                                             Pacific Division. Almost immediately, the
          Also joining us is Mark Cheney, a Cer-  question of, “Could professional hockey work
        tified Mental Performance Consultant and   in Las Vegas?” had been answered with a
        member of the Association for Applied Sport   resounding yes.
        Psychology. For 20 years, he has helped
        performers do what they love to do, better. In   The NHL’s Vegas Golden Knights have
        his inaugural issue as a columnist for us he   quickly become the city’s team, on and off the
        answers the question, “What percentage of   ice. It seems as if everywhere you turn some-
        golf is mental?” And what he has to say can   thing new is popping up in this amazing city,
        be applied beyond just golf.         something we can all be proud of. And the
                                             Vegas Knights are certainly something we can
          It seems the whole of Vegas has come out   be proud of. However their season ends (as
        to support the Vegas Golden Knights. And   of print they were solidly in first place of the
        we certainly are up for joining the crowd.   Pacific Division), they brought excitement,
        That is one of the best parts of being a Las   honor, and so much more with them as they
        Vegan, being part of a community that comes   began their journey here with us.
                                                                                     HEIDI CHACKEL, EDITOR

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