Page 60 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2019
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[  GOLF          ]

                                                     CON GR AT S

                                                               DonWelch shown swinging as fellow pro Mike Barnett looks on

                                                                   Don Welch


                                                               As a forefather of golf in Las Vegas, Welch had a reputation as a kind, loy-
                  Sue May                                      al, quiet and astute leader. In 1964, he was named the head professional at
                                                               the famed Desert Inn, and from 1976-1990 served as the Dunes Country
                                                               Club director of golf. Over the years, Welch coordinated the Tournament of
        As the preeminent rules official in Southern Nevada, May has officiated   Champions, was on the planning committee for the first Las Vegas PGA of
        hundreds of local, regional and national tournaments, including both   America Chapter and later served as the chapter’s secretary, vice-president
        the men and women’s U.S. Open. She serves as the vice president of the   and president. Don’s hall of fame presence continues to be felt as several of
        Southern Nevada Golf Association and was a previous president of the   his proteges are hall of fame inductees and his knowledge has been passed
        Nevada State Women’s Golf Association and Women’s Southern Neva-  on to several generations.
        da Golf Association. May was one of the first women to officiate a U.S.
        Men’s Open as a walking rules official.                Eddie Kahn, founder of Golf Apparel Brands and former Las Vegas assistant
                                                               golf professional on Welch:
        UNLV women’s golf coach Amy Bush on May:
                                                               “I remember the first week I was in business, Don called to inform me that
        “Sue exemplifies what a hall of famer is all about: loyalty, professional-  another company had dropped the ball on delivering an order of one thou-
        ism, personal commitment, strong work ethic and success.”  sand cashmere sweaters for the Hughes Invitational and asked if I could
                                                               come up with that many sweaters very quickly. I wouldn't be telling the
                                                               story if I couldn't deliver, and that order was a springboard to my new busi-
                                                               ness. I think of Don every day and was very blessed to have had the close
                                                               friendship with him and his family. Don is most deserving and long overdue
                                                               for being inducted into the Las Vegas Hall of Fame. I am so lucky to have
                                                               had the mentorship, support and friendship of this terrific man for 40 years.”

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