Page 20 - LVGL FALL 2017
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[   LV G           L   ]

                                              EDI T OR ’S N O T E

                              A Calendar Full of Fun

                 or us, the fall months are filled   and much more—and these few months of   Thanks again for reading and hope to see
                 with events and activities. Kids   fall should be packed full of entertainment.   you at the Audi Henderson Lake Las Vegas
                 are back in school, the weather is                              Classic! My husband and I as well as our
          Fgood, and there is so much to do    And this fall, you have one more thing to   three kids will be there working our tails off
        when it comes to parties, events, and more.   look forward to—Las Vegas Golf & Leisure   so you can have a great time and we can all
        Our main feature this issue covers a few of   Magazine’s own awesome event. Coming in   raise much needed funds for this extraordi-
        the many events that will hit Las Vegas over   the fall of 2017, October 26 through 28 to   nary community!
        the fall months. From supporting UNLV   be exact, is The Audi Henderson Lake Las
        athletics, to professional tennis and golf, to   Vegas Classic at Reflection Bay Golf Club—
        amazing culinary and music parties—you will   showcasing the area’s best when it comes to
        not be bored.                        culinary, spirits, wine, and golf. This three-
                                             day non-profit event is the must-do event of
          As in past years, the Shriners Hospitals   2017. All of us at Las Vegas Golf & Leisure
        for Children Open will bring a plethora of   Magazine are thrilled to bring our charitable
        professional golfers to town, specifically to   event production experience to the area, help-
        TPC Summerlin. Not only will you see a lot   ing us to give back in a huge way.
        of great golf, but also a full Fan Experience
        schedule is just waiting for you. The 2017 Las   Whether you want to golf and enjoy a
        Vegas Tennis Open—part of the ATP Chal-  party, or just the party itself, get involved
        lenger series—brings some serious tennis   and support this incredible new event. A
        matches to the area at the Vicki Fertitta Ten-  whopping 100 percent of net proceeds will be
        nis Complex. M.E.N.U.S.—brought to you by   donated to local charities. For more informa-
        the Epicurean Charitable Foundation—show-  tion on the event and how to purchase tickets,
        cases the best of the Las Vegas dining scene to   visit And if
        guests all in one place. Add in Vegas Golden   you are looking to volunteer, you would be
        Knights hockey, the Masters Series of Putting,   most welcome, please email me at heidi@
        the Las Vegas Hall of Fame Induction Night,
                                                                                     HEIDI CHACKEL, EDITOR

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