Page 18 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2018
P. 18

[   LV G           L   ]

                                              EDI T OR ’S N O T E

                                     A Shameless Plug

                  ost everyone would agree, Vegas is hard to beat during   Golf & Leisure Magazine’s own awesome event. For the second year in a
                  the  fall months—perfect weather,  a plethora  of events,   row, on November 1 through 3 to be exact, is The Audi Henderson Lake
          Mand a lot of ways to get involved. We know you have many   Las Vegas Classic at Reflection Bay Golf Club—showcasing the area’s
        activities to choose from, and here are two more to add to your list.   best when it comes to culinary, spirits, wine, and golf. This three-day
        Both are important to us here at Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine in   non-profit event is the must-do event of 2018. All of us at Las Vegas
        supporting the golf community within Las Vegas as well as giving back   Golf & Leisure Magazine are thrilled to bring our charitable event
        to the community as a whole.                           production experience to the area for a second year, helping us to give
                                                               back in a huge way. Whether you want to golf and enjoy a party, or just
          It’s that time of year again: When the PGA TOUR finds itself in   the party itself, get involved and support this incredible new event. A
        the bright spotlights of Las Vegas. And with it comes a plethora of   whopping 100 percent of net proceeds will be donated to local charities.
        professional golfers. This year’s event, being held for the 36th consecutive   For more information on the event and how to purchase tickets, visit
        year, is October 29 through November 4 at TPC Summerlin. Not only And if you are looking to volunteer or
        will you see a lot of great golf at TPC Summerlin, but you can also enjoy   donate an item to the silent auction, you would be most welcome, please
        a full fan experience. The Hill—perched above and between the 17th and   email me at
        18th holes with added views of the 16th green—has all the luxuries of
        your living room with food, beverages and enough TV’s to keep track of
        the football action on the weekend while watching some amazing golf.   Thanks for reading!
        See page 38 for more information.

          And this fall, you have one more thing to look forward to—Las Vegas

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