Page 36 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2018
P. 36

[  GOLF          ]

                                                   GOLF T IP S

                             Master the Green

                                                Putt efficiently and freely

                                                    COLUMN BY CATHY KIM
                                               PHOTOGRAPHY BY GINGER BRUNER

              liminating three putts and lagging it close to the hole is   technique may be, it is just as important to let your mind and
              the quickest way to reduce your handicap. Putting can be   body execute the putt just as you plan to. Most of our mental
        Ethe easiest part of your game one round and the tough-  energy is burned up on the putting surface, but how much of it
        est part of your game the next. As important as your putting   is necessary?

                             see               LET’S LOOK AT HOW TO

                                               PUT T EFFICIENTLY & FREELY

        WHEN READING YOUR PUTT,                           BEFORE RETURNING TO YOUR BALL,
        make sure to look at it from both sides of the     walk up and rehearse your putting stroke two feet from the
        hole. If you end up with two different reads,      hole, while looking at the hole. This will give you the best
        trust the read with the most break.                read on which way your ball will turn.

                 Pro Tip:   If your putt looks like it is moving              in two different directions, play a straight putt.

     34  LVG&L   FALL 2018                                                   W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM
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