Page 18 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2018
P. 18

fall 2018 | editor’s note
                                                 Cheers To 10


                                                   e at Southern Oregon Magazine are so proud to announce our 10-year anniversary! Thanks to
                                                   the support of the community and many amazing local writers and photographers, we have
                                         Wproduced 40 issues of Southern Oregon Magazine. That is around 5,600 pages filled with great
                                         stories about individuals, families, events, charities, wine, health, travel, businesses and much more.

                Heidi Chackel, Editor    A big shout out to Leslee Ryerson, who has been with us from day one. And I am not kidding, liter-
                                         ally from the first day. I remember interviewing her before we were even up and going. She has put
       up with us for 10 years, and now manages our sales department. She is, however, so much more than that. Not only does she manage all sales,
       she also proofs every page alongside me, she participates in photo shoots, manages magazine delivery, searches out great story ideas, helps run
       the Southern Oregon Classic, and the list goes on. She is truly a team player, and we are so glad to have her as part of our team! Also an integral
       part of our team is our art director, Becky Aulisio, who does an amazing job bringing every story to life. Her design work is stunning and we are
       thrilled that she joined the team in 2017.

       This amazing loyalty goes outside of our immediate team, and also includes many local writers and photographers. Jerry Clarkson of Jerry
       Clarkson Photography has also been with us from the very first issue, providing fantastic images that bring our stories to life. Lynn Leissler
       joined the team during our first year, and has stuck with us. In fact, she has also taken on more responsibility and handles not only almost every
       issue’s feature story, but also copyediting and a lot of compiling.

       To name a few others: Ezra Marcos has been conducting amazing photo shoots for years with amazing results; Sandy Cathcart writes on a variety
       of local topics, sharing with our readers what makes Southern Oregon so great; Valerie Coulman has been my go-to with what I anticipate to be
       difficult and detailed interviews; Nisha Jackson has been offering health advice to our readers for years; as does Krissy Milner with home design;
       Chris Dennett joined us a few years back, bringing his culinary expertise; every once in a while we get Donald Alarie and Steven Addington to
       share some of their fantastic outdoor photography with us; as does Larry Turner, who often graces our cover; Paula Bandy has a passion for writ-
       ing on creative topics; Pamela Gibson has joined our team with wine coverage; Lisa Manyon stops in here and there with some great editorial
       coverage; and Lee Juillerat holds down the fort over in Klamath Falls. I am sure I am missing someone, and I do apologize in advance for that.
       You all mean the world to us.

       Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who helps put together each and every issue of Southern Oregon Magazine.

       And thank you Southern Oregon for 10 amazing years, and here’s to 10 more!

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