Page 38 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure SPRING 2018
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        your sadness, but you have to take a really   During this off season, Marsico spent   “I was misdiagnosed for a long time,”
        long-term view of it,” Marsico says. “I am not   time assessing each aspect of his game and   Marsico says. “I kept going through rehab,
        in this game to just play well this week. You   originally thought about setting a goal to be   but when I had some improvement, the pain
        have to have a much longer vision. I have to   as good statistically as the 10th best player   would return. I finally went to Tom Boers,
        set my goals to be something significantly   on the Tour in the major categories. “I was   a physical therapist in Georgia in 2014. He
        more than, ‘I just want to shoot a good score   talking to my dad who I have been working   immediately told me I had a locked facet
        today.’ If you just set your goal for today and   with for 20 years and I told him, ‘if I’m the   joint. At the end of three days, he took me to
        hit a bad shot, then you can start thinking the   10th best guy on tour in a category, that’s   the range and I was able to hit balls. During
        world is ending, which it can feel like.  pretty good,’ but he looked at me and said,   the previous 18 months, I could barely even
                                             ‘Why don’t you just take the number one guy   practice putting. The first morning I woke up
          “Obviously in the moment it sucks, there is   on tour?’ I thought about it and I said, ‘Well,   and noticed it, I pretty much couldn’t get out
        no other way to put it. It’s not fun. After I fin-  why wouldn’t I want to set my goals as num-  of bed. It had locked up my entire left side.
        ished up, I spent a couple hours in silence, not   ber one for everything?’”  I couldn’t turn and my body was completely
        really wanting to talk to anybody and that’s                             shut down. He fixed my posture and how I
        how I processed it. But then I said, ‘What am   Marsico worked on his wedge game, lag   stood over the ball. Since then, I haven’t had
        I going to do to make sure I don’t do this next   putting, minimizing his dispersion off the tee   an issue.”
        week?’ I don’t want to be fighting to just make   and other areas, and believes he made strong   Through February 11, Marsico had made
        the cut, so I wasn’t really focused on missing   improvements across the board. But just   the cut in two of his four tournaments to start
        the cut by one, I was looking at it like, ‘OK,   being healthy for an extended time period   2018. His best finish remains the tied for 10th
        the leader is at 9-under par and I was 1-over   over the last few years has been a huge im-  at last year’s Tour Qualifying Tour-
        par, so I need to make up 10 shots, not just   provement for Marsico, who estimates he has   nament, but his dream is alive and well.
        one shot.’ Everybody has their own way of   missed four years of golf over the last decade
        processing a missed cut, but the next day I   due to debilitating back pain. He suffered a   “Ever since I can remember, I wanted to
        was on the bus at 7:30 a.m. heading out to the   fracture in his vertebrae when he was 15, and   play golf at the highest level,” Marsico says.
        range to practice. I talked to some guys who   his most recent injury nearly sidelined him
        chartered a boat and went fishing, but for me,   for good.                 He is almost there.
        I like to get back to work immediately.”

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