Page 66 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure SPRING 2018
P. 66

[   FE A T UR E                  ]

        areas, a kids’ zone, adult social zone, twice as   a hall of famer, and we have two of the best   success.
        many points of sale for concessions, a larger   young players in the game, Bryce Harper
        team store, a huge state-of-the-art scoreboard   and Kris Bryant. I hope—and I believe—that   “The game is so great,” Logan says. “Base-
        and a swimming pool in left centerfield.”  we have played a significant role in devel-  ball takes a little heat once in a while because
                                             oping that and given people the outlet to   it’s slow moving or whatever, but the reality
          But there is the business of one final season   see professional baseball at its highest level.   is that it’s a great game and touches a lot of
        at Cashman prior to the move, and the 51s   We’re the only professional franchise to ever   people. You compare us to other sports and
        aren’t acting like high school seniors just   succeed here. Everybody else failed and went   our players are out there without helmets and
        going through the motions. The final season   away, so I think that pretty much speaks for   interacting more closely with fans. I think
        in Cashman Field will feature fun promo-  itself about the impact that we have had for so   fans can relate to our players easier than other
        tions the 51s are known for, including $1   many years.                  sports. Guys your size, my size, big guys, little
        Menu Nights on Monday’s, $1 Beer Nights on   “One thing that I have always been happy   guys, anybody can play it, and I think that
        Thursday’s, Fireworks on Fridays, Jersey and   and proud about is the number of guys who   is part of the success. Plus, the composition
        other giveaways on Saturdays.        have come here to play who ended up making   of professional baseball and the role that we
                                             this their home and raised their families here   play in the lineage of player development of
          The 51s are also partnering with Minor   and made a great impact on our communi-  players is important and interesting. You turn
        League Baseball and its Hispanic and Latino   ty. Guys like County Commissioner Larry   on the Mets now and you see Syndergaard,
        initiative so on Tuesdays, the team persona   Brown, Mike Martin, Jerry DeSimone, Chip   Katz, de Grom, Rosario and others. It’s pretty
        changes to Reyes de Plata (Silver Kings). The   Seeley, Harold Eckert, James Loney, Shane   special. There’s a lot of good things that have
        logo was a hit in August last season and in   Victorino and so many other guys. The list   come together and we’re just lucky to be a
        2018, fans will feel the influences on Tues-  goes on and on.”           part of it.”
        days. Additionally, in September the Mexican                               Batter up.
        Baseball Fiesta will return with two teams   Entering its 36th year, the 51s carry the
        from the Mexican League playing pre-season   torch for baseball, the sport that Logan
        exhibition games at Cashman Field.   believes is a main reason for such prolonged

          Not only do the players entertain on the
        field, but Logan and his crew have helped                                                        Paul Sewad
        grow baseball in Southern Nevada. “I think                                             Photo by Steve Spatafore
        we’re the ambassadors and gatekeepers of
        baseball in the community,” Logan says. “If
        you really analyze it, we’re a baseball town.
        You look at the number of professional play-
        ers from Las Vegas. We have Greg Maddux,

       BE A 51S FAN

        SE A SON T IC K E T S
        S TAR T AT $510
        H ALF - SE A SON T IC K E T S
        S TAR T AT $290
        MINI-P L AN (11 G AME S)
        T IC K E T S S TAR T AT $100
        SIN GLE G AME T IC K E T S
        S TAR T AT $12
        SE A SON T IC K E T
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        INF O : W W W.LV51.COM

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